User Authentication OpenID Connect using ADFS - Step by Step Setup Guide


Documentation home


Introduction. 2

ADFS Server Setup. 3

Installing AD FS. 3

Installing AD FS server role via the Add roles and features wizard. 3

Installing AD FS server role using Windows Powershell command. 4

Configuring ADFS. 4

Generating Self-signed Certificate. 4

Import the newly created certificate. 5

Export Public Key. 5

Configuring AD FS Server Role. 5

Validation. 6

Verify that the ADSF Services 6

Verify that Federation Server is operational 6

Configuring Service Principal Name. 7

Computer Level SPN. 7

User Level SPN. 8

Verify SSO. 8

You should see the message to say you are signed in or if prompted type in the correct user credentials and sign in. 9

Configure AD FS Authentication Methods 9

Application Group Configuration. 10

Native Application Configuration. 10

Web Application Configuration. 10

OpenID Connect Claims Configuration. 11

Issuance Transform Rules 11

Example Claim Configuration. 11

Setup ADFS Web Proxy. 12

Install ADFS Web Proxy. 12

Configure ADFS Web Proxy. 13

Validate AD FS Web Proxy. 13

Create a public DNS Entry. 13

Browser Configuration. 13

Microsoft Edge. 14

Internet Explorer 14

Google Chrome. 14

Firefox 15 Configuration. 15

Configure OAuth Authentication. 16

Configure OpenID Connect User Authentication. 17

Other Configuration. 18

Customizing the sign-in page. 18

AD FS  User Agent Configuration. 19



See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, Open ID Connect Configuration




This document guides you through a step by step process to setup Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) with Single Sign On (SSO) using OpenID Connect.



The prerequisites for configuring an AD FS server are as follows:


·         Setup Windows Domain Controller

·         Install and configure Active Directory


At the end of this step by step process you will have configured the following:


·         AD FS Server – this is the published Active Directory Federation Server that authorizes user credentials against Active Directory

·         AD FS Web Proxy that allows Single Sign On (SSO) without prompting for user credentials inside the domain but allows users to authenticate using their user credentials outside the domain.

·         Browser Configuration for SSO within the Intranet

· Server Configuration to authenticate all users accessing forms using OpenID Connect



The following diagram shows the basic ADFS Setup





ADFS Server Setup


The ADFS Server it must be added to the domain and have access to Active Directory. You will require membership to Administrators or equivalent as a minimum to complete the following procedure.


The first thing to do is to install the AD FS role service.


Installing AD FS


There are two ways to install the AD FS role service:


·         Using Add roles and features wizard

·         Using the Windows Powershell command



Installing AD FS server role via the Add roles and features wizard


1)     Open Server Manager. To open Server Manager, click Server Manager on the Start screen, or Server Manager in the taskbar on the desktop. In the Quick Start tab of the Welcome tile on the Dashboard page, click Add roles and features. Alternatively, you can click Add Roles and Features on the Manage menu.

2)     On the Before you begin    page, click Next.

3)     On the Select installation type page, click Role-based or Feature-based installation, and then click Next.

4)     On the Select destination server page, click Select a server from the server pool, verify that the target computer is selected, and then click Next.

5)     On the Select server roles page, click Active Directory Federation Services, and then click Next.

6)     On the Select features page, click Next. The required prerequisites are preselected for you. You do not have to select any other features.

7)     On the Active Directory Federation Service (AD FS) page, click Next

8)     After you verify the information on the Confirm installation selections page, click Install.

9)     On the Installation progress page, verify that everything installed correctly, and then click Close. 

Installing AD FS server role using Windows Powershell command

1)     Open the Powershell command window

2)     Run the following command:

Install-windowsfeature adfs-federation –IncludeManagementTools


Configuring ADFS


Note that before you begin you will need to have an SSL certificate for this server. This can be obtained from a trusted certificate authority through the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for IIS.


Alternatively you can generate a self-signed certificate by:


Generating Self-signed Certificate


Note: ADFS is not compatible with CNG (Cryptographic Next Generation) certificates using the New-SelfsignedCertificate module, so Microsoft have published New-SelfsignedCertificateEx module to generate compatible certificates.


1)      Download the New-SelfsignedCertificateEx

2)      Extract the contents of the zip file to c:\temp

3)      Open Windows Powershell command window

4)      Navigate to c:\temp

5)      Import the module by running the following Powershell command:


Import-Module .\New-SelfsignedCertificateEx.psl


6)      Run the following Powershell command to generate the public and private keys for the AD FS server to c:\temp\adfs-server-PubPri.pfx:


New-SelfsignedCertificateEx -Subject "" -EKU "Server Authentication", "Client authentication" -KeyUsage "KeyEncipherment, DigitalSignature" -AllowSMIME -Path C:\temp\adfs-server-PubPri.pfx -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "password" -AsPlainText -Force) -Exportable




Import the newly created certificate


1)      Run the Microsoft Management Console by running mmc on the Powershell command line

2)      Add snap in Certificates

3)      Open the tree Console Root à Certificates (Local Computer) à Personal

4)      Right click the Personal folder and select Import

5)      Click Next on the Welcome Page

6)      Select Browse and select the newly created file c:\temp\adfs-server-PubPri.pfx

7)      Click Next

8)      Type in the password

9)      Click Next

10)   Place all certificates in the following store: Personal

11)   Click Next

12)   Click Finish



Export Public Key


Export the public key for use testing and configuration of the ADFS Proxy (The public key is required to be imported into the Trusted Root Certificate Authorizations to allow a trust relationship between the two servers)


1)      Run the Microsoft Management Console by running mmc on the Powershell command line

2)      Select the newly created certificate in the Personal (Open the tree Console Root à Certificates (Local Computer) à Personal)

3)      Right click the certificate and click Export

4)      Do not export the private key. Select Next

5)      Select DER encoded binary X.509

6)      Click Next

7)      Select Browse and navigate to c:\temp and type in the filename adfs-server-Pub.crt

8)      Click Finish


Configuring AD FS Server Role


1)      Within the Server Manager, click and select Configure the federation service on this server

2)      Ensure Create the first federation server in a federation server farm is selected and click Next

3)      Click on Next

4)      Select the SSL Certificate (created/imported) above, provide Federation Service Display Name and click Next

5)      On the Specify Service Account page, you can either Create a Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) or Specify an existing gMSA account

6)      In order to enable set the KDS Root Key, run the below PowerShell Command on a Domain Controller


Add-KdsRootKeyEffectiveTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-10)



7)      Go back to the ADFS server click Previous and Next

8)      Select Create a Group Managed Service Account, provide a name and click Next

9)      Click on Next

10)   Review Options and click Next

11)   Click on Configure

12)   Click on Close

13)   Create a DNS entry for this AD FS Server on the Domain Controller as created in the CN above, e.g





Verify that the ADSF Services


1)      Open the Event Viewer and navigate to the ADFS View and search for the Event ID 100


Verify that Federation Server is operational


1)     To verify that Internet Information Services (IIS) is configured correctly on the federation server, log on to a client computer that is in the same forest as the federation server.

2)     Open a browser window, in the address bar type the federation server’s DNS host name, and then append /adfs/fs/federationserverservice.asmx to it for the new federation server, for  example:

3)     Press ENTER, and then complete the next procedure on the federation server computer. If you see the message There is a problem with this website’s security certificate, click Continue to this website


The expected output is a display of XML with the service description document. If this page appears, IIS on the federation server is operational and serving pages successfully.


Configuring Service Principal Name

The Service Principal Name (SPN) is the name that was defined in the internal DNS for the ADFS server. In the examples case this is

It is important to make sure that the computer itself does not contain the SPN. The SPN must be against the user account that was defined for the ADFS server otherwise authentication problems will be experienced.

Computer Level SPN


1)    Check to see if the computer has the SPN defined by executing the following command:


setspn -L {server name}


           This will show you a list of SPN’s associated with the server.



setspn -L adfs


Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=adfs,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=SERVER,DC=COM:







2)  Make sure that HTTP/{server-dns-name} does not exist. If it does, then issue the following command:

setspn -d HTTP/{server-dns-name} {server-name}



            setspn -d HTTP/ adfs


User Level SPN


1)  Check to see if the ADFS User Account has the SPN defined by issuing the following command:

setspn -L {domain\user}


setspn -L\adfsuser


Registered ServicePrincipalNames for CN=adfsuser,CN=Users,DC=SERVER,DC=COM:


2)  If the user does not have the SPN defined, then set it with the following command:

setspn -a {SPN identifier} {User identifier}


setspn -a HTTP/\adfsuser


Verify SSO


1)      Open the Windows Powershell command window

2)      Run the following command


        Set-AdfsProperties -EnableIdPInitiatedSignonPage $true

3)      Browse to the ADFS sign in page for example:

4)      Click on Sign In


You should see the message to say you are signed in or if prompted type in the correct user credentials and sign in


This completes the AD FS server configuration


Configure AD FS Authentication Methods


It is important to select the types of authentication for the local Intranet and the external Extranet. This will determine how the user will authenticate with the AD FS. Forms authentication (prompt to enter user credentials) will be used when requests are received through the ADFS Proxy server (Extranet) and Windows authentication will be used when requests are received from a user who is logged in to the domain (Intranet).


1) From the Server Manager Console Tools menu select AD FS Management

2)  In the AD FS Management left-hand panel expand Service and select Authentication Methods

3)  In the right-hand panel edit the primary authentication method

4)  Tick Forms Authentication checkbox in the Extranet

5)  Tick the Windows Authentication checkbox in the Intranet.

6)  Apply the change and click OK


Application Group Configuration 

The Application Group defines how an application can communicate with Active Directory information to a calling service plan application. You can have one or more Application Groups each tied to their own service plan or servicing multiple service plan from one Application Group.

Each Application Group generates a unique Client Id. The Client Id will be used when configuring the OAuth settings on the Server

Native Application Configuration


1)  From the Server Manager Console Tools menu select AD FS Management

2)  Right click the Application Groups and select Add Application Group.

3)  Enter an application Name.

4)  Select Native Application and click Next

5)  Take a note of the Client ID as this will be used in the OAuth configuration on the server

6)  Enter the Redirect URI ( server callback/return URL) . The URI is used to redirect the user back their web application after the user has authenticated their user credentials. This URI must be valid URI.


The server return URL should be in the format of: http(s)://<servername>/<webappname>/ufsreturn




7)  Click Add.

8)  Click Next

9)  Apply and click OK


Web Application Configuration


1)   From the Server Manager Console Tools menu select AD FS Management

2)   Click on the Application Groups and double click the Application Group in the right hand panel that was created in the  Native Application Configuration section

3)   Click Add Application

4)   Select Web API and click Next

5)   Enter the Relaying party identifier is the identifier of the native application, i.e the Client ID configured in the  Native Application Configuration.

6)   Click Next

7)   Select the Access Control Policy in the upper panel sets that policy as the active policy. You can only select one

8)   Click Next

9)   On the Configure Application Permissions, tick the openid checkbox

10) Click Next

11) Click Next

12) Apply and click OK

OpenID Connect Claims Configuration


A Claim is an Activity Directory property that can be returned to the calling web application contained within the OpenID Connect JSON Web Token (JWT).


Issuance Transform Rules


Add claims to your Application Group by adding one or more rules to the Issuance Transform Rules of the Web Application.


1)      From the Server Manager Console Tools menu select AD FS Management

2)      Click on the Application Groups and double click the Application Group in the right hand panel that was created in the Native Application Configuration section

3)      Double click the Web API application configured in the Web Application Configuration section.

4)      Select the Issuance Transform Rules tab

5)      Click Add Rule

6)      Select Send LDAP Attributes as Claims

7)      Click Next

8)      Enter a Claim rule name for the rule

9)      Select Active Directory as the Attribute store

10)   Select the LDAP Attributes and Outgoing Claim Type.  Note: If the LDAP attribute is not listed then it can be edited directly. The claim type can also be manually entered.


Example Claim Configuration





11)   Click OK

12)   Apply and then click OK

13)   Click OK


Setup ADFS Web Proxy


The ADFS Web Proxy should be installed on a separate server than the ADFS Server. This server should be outside the internal firewall and lives inside the DMZ.


Install ADFS Web Proxy


1)      On the server where you plan to install the Web Application Proxy, open Server Manager and start the Add Roles and Features Wizard.

2)      Click Next on the first and second pages of the wizard.

3)      On the Server Selection page, select your server, and then click Next.

4)      On the Server Role page, select the Remote Access role, and then click Next.

5)      On the Features page and Remote Access page, click Next.

6)      On the Role Services page, select Web Application Proxy, click Add Features, and then click Next.

7)      On the Confirm installation selections page, click Install.


Configure ADFS Web Proxy


    1)      Copy the exported certificate from the ADFS server that was created on the AD FS server on to the AD FS Web Proxy server and import into the Personal directory. See importing certificate

    2)      On the Server Manager Dashboard, you will see a warning icon to the right of the flag symbol. Click this icon to gain access to the Web Application Proxy Wizard. This wizard will walk you through the configuration process.

    3)      Enter the DNS name of the ADFS server e.g: then enter user credentials of an ADFS server user that had administrative privileges.

    4)      Click Next

    5)      Select the certificate you imported/copied from the ADFS server.

    6)      Click Next

    7)      On the Confirmation Page, Click Next

    8)      When the configuration is complete you will be taken to the Web Application Publishing system. Close this system as a trust relationship has already be created with the ADFS server under the covers.


Validate AD FS Web Proxy


1)      From the Server Manager Dashboard open the Tools menu and select Remote Access Management to check that the proxy server is running OK.


Create a public DNS Entry


For the AD FS Proxy to work you must create a public DNS entry for the AD FS server but it must point to the AD FS Proxy Server. The name of this entry must match exactly the internal DNS name of the ADFS server.

One option is to create a domain name for the public facing ADFS server but point it’s a record to the ADFS Proxy server.

The ADFS Proxy server/service uses the name to access the backend ADFS server.

So, for example, if the internal DNS name for the ADFS server is and it points to an internal IP address then the public facing name must also be but it must point to the public IP address of the ADFS Proxy server i.e:


Browser Configuration


The browser must be configured to enable Single Sign On (SSO) from without being prompted to login using windows authentication. SSO will only work when you are logged into the domain, otherwise you will be prompted to supply the user credentials. The following section gives instructions on how to use integrated windows authentication to allow credentials to be passed along with its requests.


Microsoft Edge


Unlike Internet Explorer, Edge does not have an internet options settings page, rather it uses the internet options of the windows operating system. To modify these settings:


1)      Type in internet options into the Windows search box search box

2)      Click on the Security tab

3)      Select the Local Intranet icon

4)      Click Sites button

5)      Ensure that the following three options are checked:

Include all local (intranet) sites not listed in the other zones

Include all sites that bypass the proxy server

Include all network paths (UNCs)

6)      Click Advanced button

7)      Type in the URL of the AD FS server as a trusted site


8)      Click Add

9)      Click Close

10)   Click Customize button

11)   Scroll to the bottom User AuthenticationàLogon and select Automatic logon with current user name and password

12)   Click OK

13)   Click on the Advanced tab

14)   Scroll down to the Security section and tick the checkbox Enable Integrated Windows Authentication *

15)   Click OK


Internet Explorer


By default Internet Explorer comes with windows authentication enabled.


Internet Explorer requires the following security configuration for SSO


1)      Open internet explorer and then settings > internet options

2)      Follow the configuration instructions for Microsoft Edge above

Google Chrome


Ensure that you have configured Internet Explorer browser settings before configuring Chrome


1)      Open the Chrome settings page

2)      Select Import bookmarks and settings

3)      Select Internet Explorer

4)      Select all options

5)      Click Import


To enable windows authentication in Firefox carry out the following steps


1)      Open Firefox

2)      Type in about:config into the address URL

3)      Click Accept the risk

4)      In the search bar type network.automatic

5)      Change network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies make it equal to true

6)      Enter the domain name of the AD FS server into network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris


network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris = Configuration


To enable OpenID Connect on the sever you will need to configure the following:


·         OAuth Configuration

·         Open ID Connect User Authentication


You will also need some of authorization URLs from the AD FS the configuration. These URLs can be found by typing in the following URL into a browser:








The following URLs from the response are required to configure the Server OpenID Connect User Authentication:


"authorization_endpoint": "",

     "token_endpoint": "",

     "jwks_uri": "",



You will also need the Client ID that was generated when configuring the AD FS Native Application


This section assumes that the Server is configured and running.


Configure OAuth Authentication


1)         Open the Server Administration Console by typing in the URL:






2)      Login the Server Administration Console if prompted. Note that the user must have administration privileges.

3)      Click on OAuth Configuration link

4)      Click  button

5)      Enter the OAuth Name

6)      Optionally enter a Description

7)      Select Authorization Type option Authorization Code

8)      Enter the Authorization URL returned from the openid-configuration JSON authorization_endpoint value




9)      Enter the Token request URL returned from the openid-configuration JSON token_endpoint value




10)   Enter the Client id that was generated when configuring the AD FS Native Application






11)   Leave the Secret key blank as AD FS does not require this unless configured

12)  Select Send Access Token as option Header

13)  Enter Scope required. For OpenID connect the scope, must include the word opened




openid profile roles


14)     The Redirect URI is read only and should match that configured when configuring the AD FS Native Application. If the AD FS Native Application Return URI does not match this then edit the Native Application to add this URI




15)   Click OK


Configure OpenID Connect User Authentication


This section enables OpenID Connect User Authentication for all new users when access forms.


1)      Open the Server Administration Console by typing in the URL:






2)      Login the Server Administration Console if prompted. Note that the user must have administration privileges.

3)      Click on User Authentication link

4)      Tick Use Open ID Connect checkbox

5)      Click  icon to expand the Open ID Connect options if they have did not automatically

6)      Click  button

7)      Enter Name for the Open ID Connect connection

8)      Select the OAuth Name that was configured in the OAuth Configuration.

9)      Enter Scope if you wish to override the OAuth Scope. The default is setting is filled in as openid

10)   Enter the Public Keys URL returned from the openid-configuration JSON jwks_uri value




11)   Enter Claim name containing the userid. This is the JWT claim name that will be used for the userid e.g Email

12)   Optionally enter Claim name containing user roles. This is the JWT claim name that contains a list of roles e.g Groups

13)   Tick the Automatically populate user credentials from claims checkbox if you would like the OpenID Connect login to populate the user credentials from the claims in the JWT

14)   Tick Store Refresh Token Cookie checkbox if you would OAuth refresh token to be stored as a session cookie. This is useful if you do not want to login using the OAuth user credentials form over the extranet

15)   Click OK

Other Configuration


Customizing the sign-in page


It is possible to customize the sign-in page that is presented to users outside of the domain.


1)  Open a Microsoft PowerShell Window

2)  To set the company logo on the default sign-in page run the command:

 Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Logo @{path="<absolute-filename-path>"}


Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Logo @{path="c:\Verjio\UserData\images\logo_light.png"}

3) To set the company name into the default login-in page run the command:

Set-AdfsGlobalWebContentCompanyName "<company-name>"


Set-AdfsGlobalWebContentCompanyName "My Corp"

4)      To change the background image, it is recommended that the dimensions for the illustration to 1420x1080 pixels @ 96 DPI with a file size of no greater than 200 KB.  Run the command:


Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Illustration @{path="<absolute-filename-path>"}




Set-AdfsWebTheme -TargetName default -Illustration @{path=" c:\Verjio\UserData\images\company_logo.jpg"}


4)     To set a description on the sign-in page run the command:


Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -SignInPageDescriptionText "<login-credentials-description-text>"




Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -SignInPageDescriptionText "Access to this system requires your domain credentials"


Click here for a full list of available options configuration options.


AD FS  User Agent Configuration


By default, the AD FS server only allows internet explorer to post requests.

To enable Edge, Firefox and Chrome logon to the ADFS server:


1)      Open a Microsoft PowerShell Window

2)      Run the following command:

Set-AdfsProperties -WIASupportedUserAgents @("<user-agent-string1>", "<user-agent-string2>"…)


Set-AdfsProperties -WIASupportedUserAgents @("MSAuthHost/1.0/In-Domain", "MSIE 6.0", "MSIE 7.0", "MSIE 8.0", "MSIE 9.0", "MSIE 10.0", "Trident/7.0", "MSIPC", "Windows Rights Management Client", "Mozilla/5.0", "Edge/12")

3)      To verify the user agents run the following command

Get-ADFSProperties | Select -ExpandProperty WIASupportedUserAgents

Example Result:


MSIE 6.0

MSIE 7.0

MSIE 8.0

MSIE 9.0

MSIE 10.0


MSIPC Windows Rights Management

Client Mozilla/5.0
