Studio Main Menu

Documentation home


File Menu. 1

View Menu. 1

Tools Menu. 2

Verj Menu. 2

Help Menu. 2

Current Editor Menu. 3


See also: Introduction to using the Studio, Studio Tree, Designer Preferences



The Main Menu appears at the top of the designer window:




The last item - Form in the picture above – varies according to the editor currently being displayed.

File Menu


Create a new project, folder or entity. A project will always be created at the top level of the workspace. Anything else will be created at the selected location in the tree. This same functionality is available by right clicking in the tree.


Click here for a summary of the different entities that you can create.


Shows the Designer Preferences Panel where you can set personal options for the Studio

Workspace Preferences

Shows the Workspace Preferences where you can set workspace specific options.

Switch workspace

Switches to using a different workspace. All open entities are saved before switching.


Close All

Closes all open editors



Closes all open editors and then closes the studio


View Menu

Refresh tree

Refreshes the entire tree from the workspace file system. Note that you can also refresh individual tree nodes by right-clicking in the tree and selecting Refresh.

Rebuild tree and Data Dictionary

Refreshes the entire tree from the workspace file system (same as Refresh tree) and additionally rebuilds the Data Dictionary.


The system maintains a Data Dictionary for each workspace that is opened and this contains all the relationships between entities. Use this option only when you suspect that the Data Dictionary has become corrupt in some way.

Collapse tree

Collapses all tree nodes


View execution log

Shows the Execution log panel containing logging messages for test forms, workflow processes etc submitted from the designer.

Show/Hide References Panel

Toggles the display of the References Panel

Show/Hide Uses Panel

Toggles the display of the Uses Panel

Show/Hide Client Event Panel

Toggles the display of the Client Event Panel which shows the client configuration for the form most recently edited

Show/Hide Server Event Panel

Toggles the display of the Server Event Panel for the form most recently edited

Show/Hide Search Results Panel

Toggles the display of the Search Results Panel


Tools Menu

Quick Search (Ctrl Q)

Shows the Quick Search Panel which is very useful for quickly locating items in the tree. This dialog searches the item names in the tree; use Search Files (next item) to search inside the files.

Search Files (Alt Ctrl F)

Shows the Search Files Panel which searches the contents of entities within the tree.



·         Export

·         Import

Allows you to transfer entities from the workspace between systems. See Import/Export for further details.




Resource Wizards

·         Database Resource Wizard

·         Stored Procedure Resource Wizard

See Resource Wizards


Start Server Admin App (Ctrl Shift A)

Starts the Server Administration Application in the browser 

Verj Menu

Logout of the cloud

Disables the link between the Studio and the Portal. This link is required to deploy to a cloud server (service plan) and is also used when you connect to the Resource Hub.

Login to the cloud

Enables the link between the Studio and the Portal. See item above.


Privacy settings

Links to the privacy settings in Designer Preferences Portal

Links to the Portal system.

Help Menu

Resource Hub

Links to the Resource Hub application on the website which contains many samples, video snippets, complete applications etc. These can be viewed from the designer and/or downloaded directly into the workspace (into the ebaseSamples project) by clicking the Download button at the top of each item page within the Resource Hub application.


Function Help

Shows the initial help page for the current editor


Help Index

Shows the main help index page


Search Help

Allows you to search the available documentation


Public Forum

Link to the public forum


About Studio

Shows information about the level of the system


Current Editor Menu

This is the last (rightmost) item on the menu and the name and content varies according to the editor currently being displayed. If no entities are currently open this menu item is not shown. The following items are always present on this menu:




Closes the current editor


Saves the entity currently being edited. This is only enabled when unsaved changes exist.


Shows the initial help page for the current editor