Form Properties – Texts Tab


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Paths to linked Texts files 1

Configure form level texts 2


Paths to linked Texts files

Here you can configure any number of Texts entity files. Once configured, the texts in these files can be used for any purpose e.g. displaying a text, issuing a message etc. These texts entity files can be thought of as shared texts in that they are free-standing files that can be shared among any number of forms. These texts files are in addition to the local texts which are private texts within each form (click on the maintain texts icon  on the toolbar within the form editor to edit these local texts). See Working with Texts for more info on how to configure texts and what you can do with them.


Both the local texts and these configured texts files consist of a number of individual texts which are identified by an id. At runtime the system searches for a text using its id, and searches first the local texts followed by all configured texts files in the order shown.




Click the  icon to add a new texts file. This displays the Workspace Browser dialog which displays all available texts files in the current project or any linked projects.

Click the  icon to remove texts file(s).

Click the up/down keys to reorder the texts files.


Configure form level texts

To view and maintain all language texts in the same window you can click the Maintain language texts button on the form toolbar. Single texts can also be changed by double clicking on the text in the WYSIWYG view.




Form heading text

The language-dependent form header text displayed at the top of each page.

HTML title text

The language-dependent text displayed in the browser title bar. This text should always be supplied to make the form accessible to disabled groups. (See Designing for Accessibility)

Finish button text

The language-dependent text displayed on the finish button