Resources View


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Introduction. 1

Resource View Features 1

Resource Names and Paths 2

Resources toolbar 2

Right click functions 2

Help. 3


See also: Summary of Supplied Resources, How Resources Work


The Resources View contains a list of resources available to the parent form/component/integration service or workflow process. A resource must be added to this view before the resource fields can be mapped or the resource is referred to in a scripting statement. Resources contained within deployed components are only shown if deployed components exist and are then shown under the prefix name for each deployed component.


Resource View Features


Resource Names and Paths

The Resources View shows the name of each resource, and its path can be displayed by moving the mouse over the name. The Resource name is particularly important as this is the name that will be used in any script statements to identify the resource e.g. to call the Web Services resource shown in the diagram above:;


Similarly the resource name is used when a table is linked with a resource.


Resource names must be unique within each Resources View.


You can change the name to anything you like, but the path can only be changed by refactoring the resource itself. You can think of the path as the unique identifier for the resource and its name as an alias by which the resource is known in a particular form.

Resources toolbar

Following functions are available; shortcut keys shown in parentheses. Short cut keys apply only when the Resources View panel is in focus.


(Ctrl N)

Add a new resource

(Ctrl M)

Show the resource mappings for the selected resource. This is only available when a single resource is selected.


Removes the reference to selected resource(s) – note that this does not delete the resource itself. Also removes any mappings for the resource(s).


Right click functions

Following functions are available when one or more resources are selected; shortcut keys shown in parentheses. Short cut keys apply only when the Resources View panel is in focus.


Add resource

(Ctrl N)

Add a new resource

Show mappings for resource

(Ctrl M)

Show the resource mappings for the selected resource. This is only available when a single resource is selected.

Remove resource(s)


Removes the reference to selected resource(s) – note that this does not delete the resource itself. Also removes any mappings for the resource(s).


(Ctrl X)

Same as copy, but also deletes selected resource(s).


(Ctrl C)

Copies selected resource(s) to the clipboard.


(Ctrl V)

Paste is only enabled when resource(s) have previously been copied to the clipboard. You can copy/paste resources between any two Resources Views.


Resources are automatically renamed when a resource with the same name already exists in the target form; this is done by adding an underscore and a number to the resource name.


Field mappings are copied/pasted with their owning fields and this must be done as a separate step. For this reason, it is recommended that resources are copied first followed by any mapped fields. In this way the mappings will also be pasted.


When the pasted resources include one or more deployed component resources, the resources are pasted as if they are not part of a component and double underscores in all names are changed to single underscores.


(Alt Ctrl R)

Displays references to the selected resource in the References Panel



The help key F1 displays this documentation page if pressed when the Resources View is in focus.