Interface SecurityManager

public interface SecurityManager
SecurityManager provides a centralized interface for all security related services. It contains methods to logon or logoff a user or to check security privileges and credentials.

The SecurityManager is accessed using EbaseSystem.getSecurityManager().

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean checkCredentialValue​(java.lang.String credentialName, java.lang.String credentialValue)
    Returns true if the user credential identified by credentialName exists with the value credentialValue, otherwise returns false.
    java.lang.String getCredential​(java.lang.String credentialName)
    Returns the credential value for the user credential identified by credentialName, or null if the credential does not exist or no user is logged on.
    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getCredentials()
    Returns all of the User credentials that are established by the System Logon Service when the user logs on.
    JWTManager getJwtManager()
    Returns a JWTManager that is used to generate or parsing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), JSON Signature Tokens (JWS) or JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
    KeyManager getKeyManager()
    Used either generate a HMAC hashed based SecretKey or lookup a PublicKey/PrivateKey from a system keystore or from a remote JSON Web Key (JWK) Set
    java.lang.String[] getRoles()
    Returns an array of role names for the logged on user
    java.lang.String getUserName()
    Returns the user name when a user is logged on or null when no user is logged on.
    boolean hasRole​(java.lang.String roleName)
    Returns true when a user is logged on and the user has the role identified by roleName, otherwise returns false.
    boolean isAuthorized​(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String function)
    Returns true when a user is logged on and the user has the authorization identified by type, name and function;otherwise returns false.
    boolean isDesignerUser()
    Returns true when a form has been submitted from the designer, otherwise returns false.
    boolean isGatewayRequest()
    Returns true if the incoming Http Request contains the Gateway Authentication Token, otherwise false
    boolean isUserLoggedOn()
    Returns true when a user is logged on to the current session, otherwise returns false.
    boolean isUserLoggedOn​(java.lang.String userId)
    Returns true if the named user is currently logged on to the server, otherwise returns false.
    void logoff()
    Logs a user off the system, this is the reverse of method logon(String[][]).
    void logon​(java.lang.String[][] inParameters)
    Logs a user onto the system by calling the default System Logon Service identified in the Server Admin App > Security > User Authentication.
    void logon​(java.lang.String webServiceName, java.lang.String[][] inParameters)
    Logs a user onto the system by calling the specific System Logon Service identified by parameter webServiceName.
    boolean logonGatewayAuthentication​(java.lang.String gatewayServerName)
    Logon using the Gateway Authentication Token.
    void logonOpenIdConnect​(java.lang.String openIdConnectName)
    Logon using OpenID Connect.
    void logonOpenIdConnect​(java.lang.String openIdConnectName, java.lang.String scope)
    Logon using OpenID Connect.
    void updateLoggedOnUser​(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String[][] inParameters)
    If the user identified by userId is currently logged on, the default System Logon Service is invoked and all sessions where the user is logged on are updated; if the user is not currently logged on no action is taken.
    void updateLoggedOnUser​(java.lang.String webServiceName, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String[][] inParameters)
    If the user identified by userId is currently logged on, the specific System Logon Service identified by parameter webServiceName is invoked and all sessions where the user is logged on are updated; if the user is not currently logged on no action is taken.
  • Method Details

    • getUserName

      java.lang.String getUserName()
      Returns the user name when a user is logged on or null when no user is logged on.
      See Also:
    • isUserLoggedOn

      boolean isUserLoggedOn()
      Returns true when a user is logged on to the current session, otherwise returns false.
      See Also:
    • isUserLoggedOn

      boolean isUserLoggedOn​(java.lang.String userId)
      Returns true if the named user is currently logged on to the server, otherwise returns false.
    • hasRole

      boolean hasRole​(java.lang.String roleName)
      Returns true when a user is logged on and the user has the role identified by roleName, otherwise returns false. User roles are established by the System Logon Service when the user logs on.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • getRoles

      java.lang.String[] getRoles()
      Returns an array of role names for the logged on user

    • isAuthorized

      boolean isAuthorized​(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String function)
      Returns true when a user is logged on and the user has the authorization identified by type, name and function;otherwise returns false.

      This method is only applicable when authorizations have been added by a Logon Service or when the supplied Ebase Security system is used to define users, roles and authorizations. Authorizations represent an alternative to roles and offer more granularity, see hasRole(String).

      See Also:
    • getCredential

      java.lang.String getCredential​(java.lang.String credentialName)
      Returns the credential value for the user credential identified by credentialName, or null if the credential does not exist or no user is logged on. User credentials are established by the System Logon Service when the user logs on.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
      checkCredentialValue(String, String), logon(String[][])
    • getCredentials

      java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getCredentials()
      Returns all of the User credentials that are established by the System Logon Service when the user logs on.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
      checkCredentialValue(String, String), logon(String[][])
    • checkCredentialValue

      boolean checkCredentialValue​(java.lang.String credentialName, java.lang.String credentialValue)
      Returns true if the user credential identified by credentialName exists with the value credentialValue, otherwise returns false. User credentials are established by the System Logon Service when the user logs on.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
      getCredential(String), logon(String[][])
    • logoff

      void logoff()
      Logs a user off the system, this is the reverse of method logon(String[][]). Method isUserLoggedOn() returns false after this method is invoked. Note that the user's session is not terminated by calling this method.
    • logon

      void logon​(java.lang.String[][] inParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      Logs a user onto the system by calling the default System Logon Service identified in the Server Admin App > Security > User Authentication. Any roles and credentials associated with the user are also loaded as implemented by the Logon Service logic.

      If the logon fails for any reason or returns a null userid, a LogonException is thrown. A LogonException contains the error code and error description returned from the Logon Service. These are available as methods LogonException.getErrorCode() and LogonException.getMessage() respectively.

      When the logon is successful, method isUserLoggedOn() returns true, the user name can be obtained using method getUserName() and the other methods in this interface can be used to access the user's security roles and credentials as loaded by the Logon Service.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       try {
         system.securityManager.logon( [ 
                ["Script", fields.USER.value], 
                ["Script", fields.PASSWORD.value] 
                 ] );
       catch (e) {
      inParameters - an array of arrays containing up to 3 pairs of parameters, where each pair contains 2 strings corresponding to the parameter source type and parameter value.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains methods to obtain the detailed error code and error description returned from the Logon Service.
    • logon

      void logon​(java.lang.String webServiceName, java.lang.String[][] inParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      Logs a user onto the system by calling the specific System Logon Service identified by parameter webServiceName. Any roles and credentials associated with the user are also loaded as implemented by the Logon Service logic.

      If the logon fails for any reason or returns a null userid, a LogonException is thrown. A LogonException contains the error code and error description returned from the Logon Service. These are available as methods LogonException.getErrorCode() and LogonException.getMessage() respectively.

      When the logon is successful, method isUserLoggedOn() returns true, the user name can be obtained using method getUserName() and the other methods in this interface can be used to access the user's security roles and credentials as loaded by the Logon Service.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       try {
         system.securityManager.logon( "testLogonService", [ 
                ["Script", fields.USER.value], 
                ["Script", fields.PASSWORD.value] 
                 ] );
       catch (e) {
      webServiceName - the web service name for the Logon Service to be invoked
      inParameters - an array of arrays containing up to 3 pairs of parameters, where each pair contains 2 strings corresponding to the parameter source type and parameter value.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains methods to obtain the detailed error code and error description returned from the Logon Service.
    • isDesignerUser

      boolean isDesignerUser()
      Returns true when a form has been submitted from the designer, otherwise returns false.

      When a form is submitted from the designer, the designer user's security (userid plus authorizations) is transferred to the runtime environment. Such forms always return true to method isUserLoggedOn().

    • updateLoggedOnUser

      void updateLoggedOnUser​(java.lang.String webServiceName, java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String[][] inParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      If the user identified by userId is currently logged on, the specific System Logon Service identified by parameter webServiceName is invoked and all sessions where the user is logged on are updated; if the user is not currently logged on no action is taken.

      This function is intended to be used to update roles and/or credentials of logged on users without the need for the user to re-logon. It cannot be used to logoff a user or to change their userid. Also there is no point in repeating userid/password validation in the Logon Service as no action can be taken as a result.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       try {
         system.securityManager.updateLoggedOnUser( "testLogonService", fields.USER.value, [
                ["Update", fields.USER.value] 
               ] );
       catch (e) {
      webServiceName - the web service name for the Logon Service to be invoked
      userId - the user id whose sessions are to be updated
      inParameters - an array of arrays containing up to 3 pairs of parameters, where each pair contains 2 strings corresponding to the parameter source type and parameter value.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains methods to obtain the detailed error code and error description returned from the Logon Service.
    • updateLoggedOnUser

      void updateLoggedOnUser​(java.lang.String userId, java.lang.String[][] inParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      If the user identified by userId is currently logged on, the default System Logon Service is invoked and all sessions where the user is logged on are updated; if the user is not currently logged on no action is taken.

      This function is intended to be used to update roles and/or credentials of logged on users without the need for the user to re-logon. It cannot be used to logoff a user or to change their userid. Also there is no point in repeating userid/password validation in the Logon Service as no action can be taken as a result.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       try {
         system.securityManager.updateLoggedOnUser( fields.USER.value, [ 
                ["Update", fields.USER.value] 
               ] );
       catch (e) {
      userId - the user id whose sessions are to be updated
      inParameters - an array of arrays containing up to 3 pairs of parameters, where each pair contains 2 strings corresponding to the parameter source type and parameter value.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains methods to obtain the detailed error code and error description returned from the Logon Service.
    • logonOpenIdConnect

      void logonOpenIdConnect​(java.lang.String openIdConnectName) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      Logon using OpenID Connect. The scope will be used from the OAuth configuration, see OpenID Connect Documentation. OpenID Connect is an extension of OAuth 2.0 Authorization. As part of the specification, the access tokens include an JWT id token. This token is used to determine whether the user is authenticated and holds data about the user that can be extracted.

      Further documentation. .

      Javascript example:

       try {
       catch (e) {
      openIdConnectName - the OpenID Connect configured on the server admin
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains error description returned from the OpenIdConnect authorization.
    • logonOpenIdConnect

      void logonOpenIdConnect​(java.lang.String openIdConnectName, java.lang.String scope) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      Logon using OpenID Connect. The scope must include openid. see OpenID Connect Documentation. OpenID Connect is an extension of OAuth 2.0 Authorization. As part of the specification, the access tokens include an JWT id token. This token is used to determine whether the user is authenticated and holds data about the user that can be extracted.

      Further documentation. .

      Javascript example:

       try {
         system.securityManager.logonOpenIdConnect("MyAuth", "openid mail");
       catch (e) {
      openIdConnectName - the OpenID Connect configured on the server admin
      scope - the OpenID Connect scope, this must contain openid
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains error description returned from the OpenIdConnect authorization.
    • logonGatewayAuthentication

      boolean logonGatewayAuthentication​(java.lang.String gatewayServerName) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException
      Logon using the Gateway Authentication Token. The authorization token is an encrypted Gateway Authentication Token and it is used to determine whether the request is from a specified Gateway Server identified by the Server Admin App > Security > User Authentication. The token contains encrypted information holds data about the user that is extracted to populate the security userid, roles, user credentials and authorizations.

      Further documentation. .

      Javascript example:

       try {
       catch (e) {
      gatewayServerName - to identify the configuration of remote Gateway Server
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.LogonException - if any error occurs. This exception contains an error description if an error occurs authenticating the Gateway Authentication Token.
    • isGatewayRequest

      boolean isGatewayRequest()
      Returns true if the incoming Http Request contains the Gateway Authentication Token, otherwise false
    • getKeyManager

      KeyManager getKeyManager()
      Used either generate a HMAC hashed based SecretKey or lookup a PublicKey/PrivateKey from a system keystore or from a remote JSON Web Key (JWK) Set

      Javascript example:

        var SECRET_KEY = "ytZj2pZxdp26CF4t@sekPr#C?!VJpD!!";
        //generate AES SecretKey
        var key = system.securityManager.getKeyManager().generateAESSecretKey(SECRET_KEY);
    • getJwtManager

      JWTManager getJwtManager()
      Returns a JWTManager that is used to generate or parsing JSON Web Tokens (JWT), JSON Signature Tokens (JWS) or JSON Web Encryption (JWE)

      Javascript example:

       var SECRET_KEY = ....;
       //generates a Hashed Secret key using HMAC with SHA-256 
       var jwt = system.securityManager.jwtManager.parseToken(oauth, tokenString);