Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
Package Description
  • Uses of Element in com.ebasetech.xi.api

    Subinterfaces of Element in com.ebasetech.xi.api
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  BaseForm
    BaseForm is an interface that represents any Ebase runnable entity that can have fields, tables and access to resources via a Business View.
    interface  Component
    The Component interface represents a component deployed into a form.
    interface  CustomResource
    The CustomResource interface represents a Custom Resource.
    interface  DatabaseResource
    The DatabaseResource interface represents a Database Resource which provides the ability to execute SQL statements.
    interface  EventOwner
    The EventOwner is the base interface for all event owners.
    interface  Field
    The Field interface is the base interface for a form field or workflow process attribute.
    interface  IntegrationResource
    The IntegrationResource interface represents an Integration Resource.
    interface  IntegrationService
    The IntegrationService interface represents an Integration Service.
    interface  Page
    The Page interface represents a displayable page of a form.
    interface  PrintResource
    The PrintResource interface represents a Printing Resource.
    interface  Resource
    The Resource interface is the base interface for all external resources.
    interface  RESTfulWebService
    The RESTfulWebService interface represents an RESTful Web Service.
    interface  StoredProcedureResource
    The StoredProcedureResource interface provides the ability to call a database stored procedure.
    interface  Table
    The Table interface represents a table defined in a form, integration service or workflow job.
    interface  TableColumn
    The TableColumn interface represents a table column form, integration service or workflow job.
    interface  WebForm
    The WebForm interface represents an interactive web form, which is a form being executed by an online user.
    interface  WebFormEventOwner
    The WebFormEventOwner interface represents an event owner for all interactive form events.
    interface  WebFormField
    The WebFormField interface represents a form field in an interactive web form.
    interface  WebFormTable
    The WebFormTable represents a table in an interactive web form.
    interface  WebFormTableColumn
    The WebFormTableColumn represents a table column in an interactive web form.
    interface  WebServiceResource
    The WebServiceResource interface represents an Web Service Resource.
    interface  WorkflowJob
    The WorkflowJob interface represents a running workflow job.
    interface  XmlResource
    The XmlResource interface represents an Xml Resource.
    interface  XmlResourceBase
    XmlResourceBase represents the base interface for all resources based around Xml documents.
  • Uses of Element in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls

    Subinterfaces of Element in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  ArticleControl
    Article Control
    interface  AsideControl
    Aside Control
    interface  AudioControl
    Audio Control
    interface  BarcodeControl
    Barcode Control
    interface  BasicBlockControl  
    interface  BootstrapColumnControl
    Bootstrap Column Control
    interface  BootstrapContainerControl
    Bootstrap Container Control
    interface  BootstrapRowControl
    Bootstrap Row Control
    interface  ButtonColumnControl  
    interface  ButtonControl
    Button Control
    interface  CanvasControl
    A Canvas Control represents an HTML <canvas> tag.
    interface  ContainerControl
    The ContainerControl interface is implemented by all controls that can act as a container i.e.
    interface  Control
    The Control interface provides the base class for all controls, with common methods and properties shared by all controls.
    interface  DynamicMenuItemControl
    A Dynamic Menu Item Control represents a location in a menu where any number of menu items are to be inserted at runtime.
    interface  EbaseButtonControlProperties
    The EbaseButtonControlProperties interface represents common properties for all Ebase navigation buttons.
    interface  FieldColumnControl
    Field Column Control
    interface  FieldControl
    Field Control
    interface  FileUploadControl
    The FileUploadControl control provides functionality to select local files and upload them.
    interface  FileUploadTextControl
    File Upload Text Control displays the selected file(s) for the associated file upload control.
    interface  FinishButtonControl
    Finish Button Control is one of the supplied Ebase page navigation buttons.
    interface  FooterControl
    Footer Control
    interface  GridCellControl
    A Grid Cell Control represents a single cell within a Grid Control.
    interface  GridControl
    Grid Control.
    interface  GroupAndPagePanelProperties  
    interface  GroupPanelControl
    A Group Panel Control is a titled box container with three texts: header text, information text and trailer text.
    interface  HeaderControl
    Header Control A container that wraps content in a header tag.
    interface  HeadingControl
    Heading Control
    interface  HorizontalLineControl
    A Horizontal Line Control represents a horizontal line.
    interface  HorizontalMenuControl
    A Horizontal Menu Control represents a menu where the top level is shown horizontally and is always visible.
    interface  HTMLControl
    An HTML Control can be used to hold any amount of HTML or XHTML content which will be inserted into the output page without amendment; any content that is valid within the BODY section of an HTML page can be inserted.
    interface  HyperlinkControl
    A Hyperlink Control represents a text displayed as a hyperlink.
    interface  IFrameControl  
    interface  ImageColumnControl
    Image Column Control.
    interface  ImageControl
    Image Control.
    interface  IncludeControl
    An Include Control represents an external JSP or HTML file that is to be inserted into the generated page output at the location represented by the control.
    interface  InitiateUploadControl
    Initiate Upload Control uploads the file(s) selected by the associated file upload control when clicked.
    interface  LayoutControl
    The LayoutControl interface is implemented by all controls that can act as a container i.e.
    interface  ListControl
    List Control
    interface  ListHyperlinkControl
    A List Hyperlink Control displays a hyperlink using the text from the list configured in its parent Repeating List Control.
    interface  ListItemControl
    List Item Control
    interface  ListPanelControl
    List Panel Control
    interface  ListTextControl
    A List Text Control displays a text from the list configured in its parent Repeating List Control.
    interface  MainControl
    Main Control
    interface  MenuControl
    MenuControl is the base interface for both horizontal and vertical menu controls.
    interface  MenuItemControl
    MenuItemControl acts as the base interface for both static and dynamic menu items
    interface  MessageControl
    A Message Control represents a location on a page where error and warning messages are displayed.
    interface  NavControl
    Nav Control
    interface  NextPageButtonControl
    Next Page Button Control is one of the supplied Ebase page navigation buttons.
    interface  PageBreakControl
    A Page Break control represents a page break and is applicable only when a page is included in a PDF.
    interface  PageControl
    Page Control is a special control that must exist as the root control of each page.
    interface  PageNavigationPanel
    A Page Navigation Control represents a panel containing up to five buttons.
    interface  PagePanelControl
    A Page Panel Control is a specialised titled box container with three texts: header text, information text and trailer text.
    interface  PanelControl
    Panel Control
    interface  PrevPageButtonControl
    Previous Page Button Control is one of the supplied Ebase page navigation buttons.
    interface  RepeatingTableControl
    A Repeater Control provides a flexible way of displaying data from a table.
    interface  RepeatingTableListControl  
    interface  RepeatingTableListRowControl  
    interface  RepeatingTableRowControl
    A Repeater Row Control represents a single table row within a Repeater Control.
    interface  RestoreButtonControl
    A Restore Button Control represents the restore button for the Save/Restore Feature.
    interface  SaveButtonControl
    A Save Button Control represents the save button for the Save/Restore Feature.
    interface  SectionControl
    Section Control A container that wraps content in a section tag.
    interface  SpacerControl
    A Spacer Control control represents either or both a horizontal space and/or a vertical space.
    interface  StaticMenuItemControl
    A Static Menu Item Control represents a static menu item in either a Vertical Menu or a Horizontal Menu.
    interface  TabControl
    A Tab Control represents a single tab within a Tab Set Control.
    interface  TableControl
    Table Control - represents a displayed table.
    interface  TablePageControl
    A Table Page Control represents a horizontal page of table data and can only be added as a child of a Table Control.
    interface  TabSetControl
    A Tab Set Control is a container containing a number of individual tabs.
    interface  TextControl
    A Text Control represents a text.
    interface  TitlePanelControl
    A Titled Panel Control is a container control with a title bar and border, where the title bar can contain a text and/or an image.
    interface  VerticalMenuControl
    A Vertical Menu Control represents a menu where the top level is shown vertically; subsequent levels can also be shown vertically with the menu expanding to accommodate them, or they can be shown as dynamic drop out menus in the same way as for a Horizontal Menu Control.
    interface  VideoControl
    Video Control