Interface BaseTableControl

All Known Subinterfaces:
RepeatingTableControl, RepeatingTableListControl, TableControl

public interface BaseTableControl
Interface BaseTableControl contains properties and methods that apply to both a Table Control and a Repeater Control.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    TextStyleProperties getActivePageNumberProperties()
    Text styling properties for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getCurrentPageClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive pages (i.e.
    java.lang.String getCurrentPageStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive pages (i.e.
    java.lang.String getFilterExpression()
    Returns an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed or null if no expression is configured.
    int getFirstDisplayRow()
    Returns the row number of the first displayable row - equivalent to scroll to top.
    java.lang.String getInactiveNavigationClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInactiveNavigationStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    TextStyleProperties getInactivePageNumberProperties()
    Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInactiveScrollDownIcon()
    URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInactiveScrollToBottomIcon()
    URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInactiveScrollToTopIcon()
    URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInactiveScrollUpIcon()
    URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getInfoPrefixClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the navigation bar prefix text.
    java.lang.String getInfoPrefixStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for the navigation bar prefix text.
    int getMaxNumberOfResultPages()
    Returns the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.
    java.lang.String getNavigationAlignBottom()
    Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table.
    java.lang.String getNavigationAlignTop()
    Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table.
    java.lang.String getNavigationBarClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getNavigationBarStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getNavigationClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getNavigationDisplay()
    Returns the position of the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getNavigationStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    NavigationBarStyleProperties getNavigationStyleProperties()
    Navigation bar styling properties
    int getNumVisibleRows()
    Returns the number of rows in a scroll set i.e.
    TextStyleProperties getPageNavigationInactiveProperties()
    Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    TextStyleProperties getPageNavigationProperties()
    Text styling properties for active (clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getPageNumbersClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getPageNumbersStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getRowInformationClass()
    Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.
    NavigationRowProperties getRowInformationProperties()
    Navigation bar row information text properties Further documentation.
    java.lang.String getRowInformationStyle()
    Returns the inline CSS style configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.
    NavigationRowProperties getRowPrefixProperties()
    Navigation bar prefix text properties.
    java.lang.String getScrollDownIcon()
    URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getScrollToBottomIcon()
    URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getScrollToTopIcon()
    URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
    java.lang.String getScrollUpIcon()
    URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
    Table getTable()
    Returns the Table displayed by this control.
    int getVisibleRow()
    Returns the row number of the first row currently visible to the user i.e.
    boolean isDisplayInfoPrefix()
    Indicates whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.
    boolean isDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons()
    Indicates whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.
    boolean isIncludePageNumbers()
    Indicates whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.
    boolean isShowInactiveScrollIcons()
    Indicates whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar.
    boolean isShowInfoMessage()
    Indicates whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar.
    boolean isStartNewRowOnNextPage()
    When a page is included in a PDF, indicates whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages.
    void scrollDown()
    Scroll the table vertically down one page
    void scrollToBottom()
    Scroll the table vertically to the last page
    void scrollToTop()
    Scroll the table vertically to the first page
    void scrollUp()
    Scroll the table vertically up one page
    void setCurrentPageClass​(java.lang.String currentPageClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive pages (i.e.
    void setCurrentPageStyle​(java.lang.String currentPageStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive pages (i.e.
    void setDisplayInfoPrefix​(boolean displayInfoPrefix)
    Sets whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.
    void setDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons​(boolean displayScrollTopBottomIcons)
    Sets whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.
    void setFilterExpression​(java.lang.String filterExpression)
    Sets an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed.
    void setInactiveNavigationClass​(java.lang.String inactiveNavigationClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    void setInactiveNavigationStyle​(java.lang.String inactiveNavigationStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    void setInactiveScrollDownIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollDownIcon)
    Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
    void setInactiveScrollToBottomIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollToBottomIcon)
    Sets the URL of the inactive ( not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
    void setInactiveScrollToTopIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollToTopIcon)
    Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
    void setInactiveScrollUpIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollUpIcon)
    Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
    void setIncludePageNumbers​(boolean includePageNumbers)
    Sets whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.
    void setInfoPrefixClass​(java.lang.String infoPrefixClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text.
    void setInfoPrefixStyle​(java.lang.String infoPrefixStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text.
    void setMaxNumberOfResultPages​(int maxNumberOfResultPages)
    Sets the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.
    void setNavigationAlignBottom​(java.lang.String navigationAlignBottom)
    Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table.
    void setNavigationAlignTop​(java.lang.String navigationAlignTop)
    Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table.
    void setNavigationBarClass​(java.lang.String navigationBarClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
    void setNavigationBarStyle​(java.lang.String navigationBarStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
    void setNavigationClass​(java.lang.String navigationClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    void setNavigationDisplay​(java.lang.String navigationDisplay)
    Sets the position of the navigation bar.
    void setNavigationStyle​(java.lang.String navigationStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    void setNumVisibleRows​(int numVisibleRows)
    Sets the number of rows in a scroll set i.e.
    void setPageNumbersClass​(java.lang.String pageNumbersClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    void setPageNumbersStyle​(java.lang.String pageNumbersStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    void setRowInformationClass​(java.lang.String rowInformationClass)
    Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar.
    void setRowInformationStyle​(java.lang.String rowInformationStyle)
    Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar.
    void setScrollDownIcon​(java.lang.String scrollDownIcon)
    Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
    void setScrollToBottomIcon​(java.lang.String scrollToBottomIcon)
    Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
    void setScrollToTopIcon​(java.lang.String scrollToTopIcon)
    Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
    void setScrollUpIcon​(java.lang.String scrollUpIcon)
    Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
    void setShowInactiveScrollIcons​(boolean showInactiveScrollIcons)
    Sets whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar.
    void setShowInfoMessage​(boolean showInfoMessage)
    Sets whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar.
    void setStartNewRowOnNextPage​(boolean startNewRowOnNextPage)
    When a page is included in a PDF, sets whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages.
    void setVisibleRow​(int row)
    Scrolls the table to make the table row with row number row visible.
  • Method Details

    • getNavigationDisplay

      java.lang.String getNavigationDisplay()
      Returns the position of the navigation bar. See setNavigationDisplay(String) for supported values.

      Further documentation.

    • setNavigationDisplay

      void setNavigationDisplay​(java.lang.String navigationDisplay)
      Sets the position of the navigation bar.

      Supported values:

      TAbove the table
      UBelow the table
      BBoth above and below the table
      nullThe navigation bar is not displayed

      Further documentation.

    • getNavigationAlignTop

      java.lang.String getNavigationAlignTop()
      Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table. See setNavigationAlignTop(String) for supported values.

      Further documentation.

    • setNavigationAlignTop

      void setNavigationAlignTop​(java.lang.String navigationAlignTop)
      Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table.

      Supported values:


      Further documentation.

    • getNavigationAlignBottom

      java.lang.String getNavigationAlignBottom()
      Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table. See setNavigationAlignBottom(String) for supported values.

      Further documentation.

    • setNavigationAlignBottom

      void setNavigationAlignBottom​(java.lang.String navigationAlignBottom)
      Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table.

      Supported values:


      Further documentation.

    • isIncludePageNumbers

      boolean isIncludePageNumbers()
      Indicates whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setIncludePageNumbers

      void setIncludePageNumbers​(boolean includePageNumbers)
      Sets whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • isDisplayInfoPrefix

      boolean isDisplayInfoPrefix()
      Indicates whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.

      Further documentation.

    • setDisplayInfoPrefix

      void setDisplayInfoPrefix​(boolean displayInfoPrefix)
      Sets whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.

      Further documentation.

    • isShowInfoMessage

      boolean isShowInfoMessage()
      Indicates whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar. This text shows the number of records. The default text Displaying .. of .. records is built using system texts 370, 371, 372, 373

      Further documentation.

    • setShowInfoMessage

      void setShowInfoMessage​(boolean showInfoMessage)
      Sets whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar. This text shows the number of records. The default text Displaying .. of .. records is built using system texts 370, 371, 372, 373

      Further documentation.

    • isDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons

      boolean isDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons()
      Indicates whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons

      void setDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons​(boolean displayScrollTopBottomIcons)
      Sets whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • isShowInactiveScrollIcons

      boolean isShowInactiveScrollIcons()
      Indicates whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar. For example when this property is true, scroll up and scroll to top icons/texts are displayed when the first page of a scroll set is displayed.

      Further documentation.

    • setShowInactiveScrollIcons

      void setShowInactiveScrollIcons​(boolean showInactiveScrollIcons)
      Sets whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar. For example when this property is true, scroll up and scroll to top icons/texts are displayed when the first page of a scroll set is displayed.

      Further documentation.

    • getScrollToTopIcon

      java.lang.String getScrollToTopIcon()
      URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setScrollToTopIcon

      void setScrollToTopIcon​(java.lang.String scrollToTopIcon)
      Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getScrollToBottomIcon

      java.lang.String getScrollToBottomIcon()
      URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setScrollToBottomIcon

      void setScrollToBottomIcon​(java.lang.String scrollToBottomIcon)
      Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getScrollUpIcon

      java.lang.String getScrollUpIcon()
      URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setScrollUpIcon

      void setScrollUpIcon​(java.lang.String scrollUpIcon)
      Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getScrollDownIcon

      java.lang.String getScrollDownIcon()
      URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setScrollDownIcon

      void setScrollDownIcon​(java.lang.String scrollDownIcon)
      Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getInactiveScrollToTopIcon

      java.lang.String getInactiveScrollToTopIcon()
      URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setInactiveScrollToTopIcon

      void setInactiveScrollToTopIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollToTopIcon)
      Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getInactiveScrollToBottomIcon

      java.lang.String getInactiveScrollToBottomIcon()
      URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setInactiveScrollToBottomIcon

      void setInactiveScrollToBottomIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollToBottomIcon)
      Sets the URL of the inactive ( not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getInactiveScrollUpIcon

      java.lang.String getInactiveScrollUpIcon()
      URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setInactiveScrollUpIcon

      void setInactiveScrollUpIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollUpIcon)
      Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getInactiveScrollDownIcon

      java.lang.String getInactiveScrollDownIcon()
      URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • setInactiveScrollDownIcon

      void setInactiveScrollDownIcon​(java.lang.String inactiveScrollDownIcon)
      Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.

      Further documentation.

    • getVisibleRow

      int getVisibleRow()
      Returns the row number of the first row currently visible to the user i.e. the first row in the current scroll set. Returns -1 when the table is empty.

      Further documentation.

    • setVisibleRow

      void setVisibleRow​(int row)
      Scrolls the table to make the table row with row number row visible. Invalid row numbers are ignored.

      Further documentation.

    • scrollToTop

      void scrollToTop()
      Scroll the table vertically to the first page
    • scrollToBottom

      void scrollToBottom()
      Scroll the table vertically to the last page
    • scrollDown

      void scrollDown()
      Scroll the table vertically down one page
    • scrollUp

      void scrollUp()
      Scroll the table vertically up one page
    • getNumVisibleRows

      int getNumVisibleRows()
      Returns the number of rows in a scroll set i.e. presented to the user. When more rows exist in the table, the navigation bar is displayed. A value of 0 indicates that all rows should be displayed without scrolling.
    • setNumVisibleRows

      void setNumVisibleRows​(int numVisibleRows)
      Sets the number of rows in a scroll set i.e. presented to the user. When more rows exist in the table, the navigation bar is displayed. When set to 0, all rows are displayed without scrolling.
    • getFirstDisplayRow

      int getFirstDisplayRow()
      Returns the row number of the first displayable row - equivalent to scroll to top. Returns -1 when the table is empty.

      Further documentation.

    • getMaxNumberOfResultPages

      int getMaxNumberOfResultPages()
      Returns the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.

      Further documentation.

    • setMaxNumberOfResultPages

      void setMaxNumberOfResultPages​(int maxNumberOfResultPages)
      Sets the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.

      Further documentation.

    • getRowPrefixProperties

      NavigationRowProperties getRowPrefixProperties()
      Navigation bar prefix text properties.

      Further documentation.

    • getRowInformationProperties

      NavigationRowProperties getRowInformationProperties()
      Navigation bar row information text properties Further documentation.
    • getNavigationStyleProperties

      NavigationBarStyleProperties getNavigationStyleProperties()
      Navigation bar styling properties
    • getActivePageNumberProperties

      TextStyleProperties getActivePageNumberProperties()
      Text styling properties for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    • getInactivePageNumberProperties

      TextStyleProperties getInactivePageNumberProperties()
      Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
    • getPageNavigationProperties

      TextStyleProperties getPageNavigationProperties()
      Text styling properties for active (clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    • getPageNavigationInactiveProperties

      TextStyleProperties getPageNavigationInactiveProperties()
      Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
    • getPageNumbersClass

      java.lang.String getPageNumbersClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setPageNumbersClass

      void setPageNumbersClass​(java.lang.String pageNumbersClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getPageNumbersStyle

      java.lang.String getPageNumbersStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setPageNumbersStyle

      void setPageNumbersStyle​(java.lang.String pageNumbersStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getNavigationClass

      java.lang.String getNavigationClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setNavigationClass

      void setNavigationClass​(java.lang.String navigationClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getNavigationStyle

      java.lang.String getNavigationStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setNavigationStyle

      void setNavigationStyle​(java.lang.String navigationStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getInactiveNavigationClass

      java.lang.String getInactiveNavigationClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setInactiveNavigationClass

      void setInactiveNavigationClass​(java.lang.String inactiveNavigationClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getInactiveNavigationStyle

      java.lang.String getInactiveNavigationStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setInactiveNavigationStyle

      void setInactiveNavigationStyle​(java.lang.String inactiveNavigationStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getCurrentPageClass

      java.lang.String getCurrentPageClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive pages (i.e. the current page number) in the navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setCurrentPageClass

      void setCurrentPageClass​(java.lang.String currentPageClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive pages (i.e. the current page number) in the navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getCurrentPageStyle

      java.lang.String getCurrentPageStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive pages (i.e. the current page number) in the navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setCurrentPageStyle

      void setCurrentPageStyle​(java.lang.String currentPageStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive pages (i.e. the current page number) in the navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getRowInformationClass

      java.lang.String getRowInformationClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setRowInformationClass

      void setRowInformationClass​(java.lang.String rowInformationClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getRowInformationStyle

      java.lang.String getRowInformationStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setRowInformationStyle

      void setRowInformationStyle​(java.lang.String rowInformationStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getNavigationBarClass

      java.lang.String getNavigationBarClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setNavigationBarClass

      void setNavigationBarClass​(java.lang.String navigationBarClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getNavigationBarStyle

      java.lang.String getNavigationBarStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setNavigationBarStyle

      void setNavigationBarStyle​(java.lang.String navigationBarStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getInfoPrefixClass

      java.lang.String getInfoPrefixClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the navigation bar prefix text.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setInfoPrefixClass

      void setInfoPrefixClass​(java.lang.String infoPrefixClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getInfoPrefixStyle

      java.lang.String getInfoPrefixStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style configured for the navigation bar prefix text.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setInfoPrefixStyle

      void setInfoPrefixStyle​(java.lang.String infoPrefixStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFilterExpression

      java.lang.String getFilterExpression()
      Returns an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed or null if no expression is configured. The expression is applied to each row in the underlying table when the page is prepared for output. The expression can refer to any form field or table column and must evaluate to true or false.

      Further documentation.

    • setFilterExpression

      void setFilterExpression​(java.lang.String filterExpression)
      Sets an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed. The expression is applied to each row in the underlying table when the page is prepared for output. The expression can refer to any form field or table column and must evaluate to true or false.

      Further documentation.

    • getTable

      Table getTable()
      Returns the Table displayed by this control.
    • isStartNewRowOnNextPage

      boolean isStartNewRowOnNextPage()
      When a page is included in a PDF, indicates whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages. When true, content can be split.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setStartNewRowOnNextPage

      void setStartNewRowOnNextPage​(boolean startNewRowOnNextPage)
      When a page is included in a PDF, sets whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages. When true, content can be split.

      Further documentation.

      See Also: