Interface HtmlElementProperties

public interface HtmlElementProperties
The HtmlElementProperties lets the developer change the behaviour of the control at runtime by adding and removing HTMLElement properties to change the interaction of browsers rich text client applications.

Further documentation

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
    The control property can have attributes attached to them.
    void addCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
    The control property can have attributes attached to them, these are typically a name/value pairs for example title='Please enter your username'.
    java.lang.String getClassLocator()
    Returns the control property locator classes.
    java.lang.String getCustomAttributes()
    Returns a comma separated list of custom attributes associated with the control property The attribute is ignored is the name does not exist.
    java.lang.String getIdLocator()
    Returns the control locator id for the appropriate property.
    void removeCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
    T he control property can have attributes attached to them.
    void setCustomAttributes​(java.lang.String customAttributes)
    Sets the custom attributes as a comma separated list associated with the control property and overrides the custom attributes value.
  • Method Details

    • getIdLocator

      java.lang.String getIdLocator()
      Returns the control locator id for the appropriate property.

      Further documentation

    • getClassLocator

      java.lang.String getClassLocator()
      Returns the control property locator classes. This is a space delimited list of names to be added to the class attribute of the underlying HTML element.

      Further documentation

    • addCustomAttribute

      void addCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
      The control property can have attributes attached to them, these are typically a name/value pairs for example title='Please enter your username'. This property allows you to add your own custom attribute at runtime. If the attribute name already exists then the value will be replaced with the new value. The value can be null and this will add the attribute name only.

      Further documentation

      name - attribute name
      value - associated with the attribute. If the value is null then only the attribute name is added the customer attributes list.
      See Also:
      addCustomAttribute(String), getCustomAttributes(), setCustomAttributes(String), removeCustomAttribute(String)
    • addCustomAttribute

      void addCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
      The control property can have attributes attached to them. This function adds a custom attribute name with no value, for example required. This property allows you to add your own custom attribute name at runtime.

      Further documentation

      name - attribute name
      See Also:
      addCustomAttribute(String, String), getCustomAttributes(), setCustomAttributes(String), removeCustomAttribute(String)
    • removeCustomAttribute

      void removeCustomAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
      T he control property can have attributes attached to them. This function removed a custom attribute by the given name. The attribute is ignored is the name does not exist.

      Further documentation

      name - attribute name
      See Also:
      addCustomAttribute(String, String), addCustomAttribute(String), getCustomAttributes(), setCustomAttributes(String)
    • getCustomAttributes

      java.lang.String getCustomAttributes()
      Returns a comma separated list of custom attributes associated with the control property The attribute is ignored is the name does not exist.

      Further documentation

      See Also:
    • setCustomAttributes

      void setCustomAttributes​(java.lang.String customAttributes)
      Sets the custom attributes as a comma separated list associated with the control property and overrides the custom attributes value.

      Further documentation

      customAttributes - custom attribute value
      See Also: