
The IntegrationService interface represents an Integration Service. An Integration Service is a special type of form that can only be executed via a web service call. It does not have any displayable elements such as pages, controls, lists etc.

Further documentation.

IntegrationService Functions

getWebServiceOperationName IntegrationService.getWebServiceOperationName( ) Returns the name of the web service operation used to invoke the integration service.

BaseForm Functions

abort IntegrationService.abort( message ) Aborts execution of the current form, integration service or workflow node and rolls back the current transaction.
getAbortMessage IntegrationService.getAbortMessage( ) Returns the abort message after a failure has occurred.
getFields IntegrationService.getFields( ) Returns the Fields object that gives access to all fields available to the form.
getLanguage IntegrationService.getLanguage( ) Returns the language code for the user session.
setLanguage IntegrationService.setLanguage( language ) Sets the language code for the user session.
getResources IntegrationService.getResources( ) Returns the Resources object that gives access to all resources available to the form.
getTables IntegrationService.getTables( ) Returns the Tables object that gives access to all tables available to the form.
getTexts IntegrationService.getTexts( ) Returns the Texts object that gives access to all texts available to the form.
getTimezone IntegrationService.getTimezone( ) Returns the time zone used for the form.
setTimezone IntegrationService.setTimezone( timezone ) Sets the time zone for the current form, service or workflow process.

Element Functions

getElementName IntegrationService.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType IntegrationService.getElementType( ) Returns the element type