
The TableRowIterator interface represents a collection of table rows, and provides methods for iterating through the table rows either forwards or backwards, to address the underlying columns and their values.


 var rows = tables.ORDERS.rows;
 while (
   tables.ORDERS.ORDER_VAT.value = tables.ORDERS.ORDER_VALUE.value * vatRate;

Further documentation.

TableRowIterator Functions

first TableRowIterator.first( ) Sets the table's current row to point to the first row.
last TableRowIterator.last( ) Sets the table's current row to point to the last row.
next ) Sets the table's current row to point to the next table row and returns false if no more rows exist.
previous TableRowIterator.previous( ) Sets the table's current row to point to the previous table row and returns false if no more rows exist.
getSize TableRowIterator.getSize( ) Returns the size i.e.