
Barcode Control

Further documentation

BarcodeControl Properties

CODABAR A constant to represent a Codabar barcode for use with setType() method.
CODE128 A constant to represent a Code 128 barcode for use with setType() method.
CODE39 A constant to represent a Code 39 barcode for use with setType() method.
DATAMATRIX A constant to represent a Datamatrix barcode for use with setType() method.
EAN128 A constant to represent a EAN 128 barcode for use with setType() method.
EAN13 A constant to represent a EAN 13 barcode for use with setType() method.
EAN8 A constant to represent a EAN 8 barcode for use with setType() method.
INTERLEAVED A constant to represent an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode for use with setType() method.
PDF417 A constant to represent a PDF417 barcode for use with setType() method.
POSTNET A constant to represent a Postnet barcode for use with setType() method.
QRCODE A constant to represent a QR Code barcode for use with setType() method.
ROYALMAIL A constant to represent a Royal Mail barcode for use with setType() method.
UPCA A constant to represent a UPC-A barcode for use with setType() method.
UPCE A constant to represent a UPC-E barcode for use with setType() method.
USPS A constant to represent a Intelligent Mail barcode for use with setType() method.

BarcodeControl Functions

getAlternativeText BarcodeControl.getAlternativeText( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Text object for the barcode alternate text; <barcode-name> barcode is returned if a value is not entered.
getAscenderHeight BarcodeControl.getAscenderHeight( ) Returns the height of the ascender/descender.
setAscenderHeight BarcodeControl.setAscenderHeight( ascenderHeight ) Sets the height of the ascender/descender.
getBarcodeHeight BarcodeControl.getBarcodeHeight( ) Returns the barcode height for the generated barcode.
setBarcodeHeight BarcodeControl.setBarcodeHeight( barcodeHeight ) Sets the barcode height for the generated barcode.
getBarcodeWideFactor BarcodeControl.getBarcodeWideFactor( ) Returns the factor by which wide bars are broader than narrow bars.
setBarcodeWideFactor BarcodeControl.setBarcodeWideFactor( barcodeWideFactor ) Sets the factor by which wide bars are broader than narrow bars.
getBaselinePosition BarcodeControl.getBaselinePosition( ) Returns the position of the baseline on the barcode.
setBaselinePosition BarcodeControl.setBaselinePosition( baselinePosition ) Sets the position of the baseline on the barcode.
getChecksum BarcodeControl.getChecksum( ) Returns the checksum mode
setChecksum BarcodeControl.setChecksum( checksum ) Sets the checksum mode.
getDataMatrixShape BarcodeControl.getDataMatrixShape( ) Returns the data matrix shape.
setDataMatrixShape BarcodeControl.setDataMatrixShape( dataMatrixShape ) Returns the data matrix shape.
isDisplayChecksum BarcodeControl.isDisplayChecksum( ) Returns whether to display the checksum digit at the end of the barcode
setDisplayChecksum BarcodeControl.setDisplayChecksum( displayChecksum ) Sets whether to display the checksum digit at the end of the barcode
isDisplayStartStop BarcodeControl.isDisplayStartStop( ) Indicates whether the start and stop character will be displayed as part of the human-readable message.
setDisplayStartStop BarcodeControl.setDisplayStartStop( displayStartStop ) Sets whether the start and stop character will be displayed as part of the human-readable message.
getErrorCorrectionLevel BarcodeControl.getErrorCorrectionLevel( ) Returns the error correction of the barcode
setErrorCorrectionLevel BarcodeControl.setErrorCorrectionLevel( errorCorrectionLevel ) Sets the error correction of the barcode
getFontName BarcodeControl.getFontName( ) Returns the font name of the human readable part
setFontName BarcodeControl.setFontName( fontName ) Sets the font name of the human readable part
getFontSize BarcodeControl.getFontSize( ) Returns the font size of the human readable part
setFontSize BarcodeControl.setFontSize( fontSize ) Sets the font size of the human readable part
isImageGrayscale BarcodeControl.isImageGrayscale( ) Returns whether the image should be rendered gray scaled and anti aliased
setImageGrayscale BarcodeControl.setImageGrayscale( imageGrayscale ) Sets the image gray scale.
getImageResolution BarcodeControl.getImageResolution( ) Returns the image resolution (dots per inch)
setImageResolution BarcodeControl.setImageResolution( imageResolution ) Sets the image resolution (dots per inch)
getInterCharGap BarcodeControl.getInterCharGap( ) Returns the width between encoded characters.
setInterCharGap BarcodeControl.setInterCharGap( interCharGap ) Sets the width between encoded characters.
getMaxCols BarcodeControl.getMaxCols( ) Returns the maximum number of columns of the barcode
setMaxCols BarcodeControl.setMaxCols( maxCols ) Sets the maximum number of columns of the barcode
getMaxRows BarcodeControl.getMaxRows( ) Returns the maximum number of rows of the barcode
setMaxRows BarcodeControl.setMaxRows( maxRows ) Sets the maximum number of rows of the barcode
getMessage BarcodeControl.getMessage( ) Returns the text for the barcode.
getMessagePosition BarcodeControl.getMessagePosition( ) Returns the position of the message text of the barcode.
setMessagePosition BarcodeControl.setMessagePosition( messagePosition ) Sets the position of the message text of the barcode.
getMinCols BarcodeControl.getMinCols( ) Returns the minimum number of columns of the barcode
setMinCols BarcodeControl.setMinCols( minCols ) Sets the minimum number of columns of the barcode
getMinRows BarcodeControl.getMinRows( ) Returns the minimum number of rows of the barcode
setMinRows BarcodeControl.setMinRows( minRows ) Sets the minimum number of rows of the barcode
getModuleWidth BarcodeControl.getModuleWidth( ) Returns the width for the generated barcode.
setModuleWidth BarcodeControl.setModuleWidth( moduleWidth ) Sets the width for the generated barcode.
getMouseOverText BarcodeControl.getMouseOverText( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Text object for the mouse over text.
isOmitBrackets BarcodeControl.isOmitBrackets( ) Returns whether to include the brackets in the human readable part of the message
setOmitBrackets BarcodeControl.setOmitBrackets( omitBrackets ) Sets whether to include the brackets in the human readable part of the message
getOrientation BarcodeControl.getOrientation( ) Returns image orientation on the page.
setOrientation BarcodeControl.setOrientation( orientation ) Sets the image orientation on the page.
getPattern BarcodeControl.getPattern( ) Returns the pattern to be applied over the human readable message
setPattern BarcodeControl.setPattern( pattern ) Sets the pattern to be applied over the human readable message
getQuietZone BarcodeControl.getQuietZone( ) Returns the width of the quiet zone left and right of the barcode in mm (gap either side of the barcode)
setQuietZone BarcodeControl.setQuietZone( quietZone ) Set the width of the quiet zone left and right of the barcode in mm (gap either side of the barcode)
isQuietZoneEnabled BarcodeControl.isQuietZoneEnabled( ) Returns whether the quiet zone should be rendered
setQuietZoneEnabled BarcodeControl.setQuietZoneEnabled( quietZoneEnabled ) Set whether the quiet zone should be rendered.
getQuietZoneVertical BarcodeControl.getQuietZoneVertical( ) Returns the vertical quiet zone (gap above and below the barcode)
setQuietZoneVertical BarcodeControl.setQuietZoneVertical( quietZoneVertical ) Sets the vertical quiet zone (gap above and below the barcode)
getShortBarHeight BarcodeControl.getShortBarHeight( ) Returns the height of a short bar.
setShortBarHeight BarcodeControl.setShortBarHeight( shortBarHeight ) Sets the height of a short bar.
getTemplate BarcodeControl.getTemplate( ) Returns the message template with the fields for the EAN message
setTemplate BarcodeControl.setTemplate( template ) Sets the message template with the fields for the EAN message
getTrackheight BarcodeControl.getTrackheight( ) Returns the height of the track
setTrackheight BarcodeControl.setTrackheight( trackheight ) Sets the height of the track
getType BarcodeControl.getType( ) Returns the barcode type for the generated barcode.
setType BarcodeControl.setType( type ) Sets the barcode type for this barcode.
getWidthToHeightRatio BarcodeControl.getWidthToHeightRatio( ) Returns the ratio of the barcode width to the height.
setWidthToHeightRatio BarcodeControl.setWidthToHeightRatio( widthToHeightRatio ) Sets the ratio of the barcode width to the height.

Control Functions

addCssClass BarcodeControl.addCssClass( cssClass ) Adds one or more CSS classes to the list of classes applied to the control, retaining any existing classes.
getAll BarcodeControl.getAll( ) Returns a control object of the same type as the control object on which this method is invoked, that gives access to all occurrences of this control on the page.
isContainer BarcodeControl.isContainer( ) Returns true if this control is a container control i.e.
getCssClass BarcodeControl.getCssClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the control.
setCssClass BarcodeControl.setCssClass( cssClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the control.
isDisplayOnly BarcodeControl.isDisplayOnly( ) Returns true if the control is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
setDisplayOnly BarcodeControl.setDisplayOnly( displayOnly ) Marks the control and all its children as display only (when displayOnly is true) or enterable (when displayOnly is false).
isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents BarcodeControl.isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents( ) Returns true if the control or any of its parents is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
getErrorMsgClass BarcodeControl.getErrorMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgClass BarcodeControl.setErrorMsgClass( errorMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getErrorMsgStyle BarcodeControl.getErrorMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgStyle BarcodeControl.setErrorMsgStyle( errorMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isEventField BarcodeControl.isEventField( ) Returns true if the control is an event field i.e.
hasModifier BarcodeControl.hasModifier( modifier ) Returns true if the control has the specified modifier, otherwise returns false.
isHidden BarcodeControl.isHidden( ) Returns true if the control is marked as hidden, otherwise returns false.
setHidden BarcodeControl.setHidden( hidden ) Hides or shows the control and all its children.
hide BarcodeControl.hide( ) Hides the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to true.
getInfoMsgClass BarcodeControl.getInfoMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgClass BarcodeControl.setInfoMsgClass( infoMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getInfoMsgStyle BarcodeControl.getInfoMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgStyle BarcodeControl.setInfoMsgStyle( infoMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isInheritMsg BarcodeControl.isInheritMsg( ) Returns true if Use parent control setting is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
getLayoutCell BarcodeControl.getLayoutCell( ) Returns the LayoutCell object which can be used to override properties of the parent control's layout as applied to this control.
isLocalMsg BarcodeControl.isLocalMsg( ) Returns true if Local Message is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
isNewLine BarcodeControl.isNewLine( ) Returns the new line property.
setNewLine BarcodeControl.setNewLine( newLine ) Sets or unsets the control's new line property.
getNextSiblingControl BarcodeControl.getNextSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears after this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
getPage BarcodeControl.getPage( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Page where this control is located.
getParentControl BarcodeControl.getParentControl( ) Returns this control's parent control or null if no such parent exists.
getPreviousSiblingControl BarcodeControl.getPreviousSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears before this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
refresh BarcodeControl.refresh( ) Refreshes this control in the user's browser when the page is next displayed.
removeCssClass BarcodeControl.removeCssClass( cssClass ) Removes one or more CSS classes from the control.
requestFocus BarcodeControl.requestFocus( ) Sets the browser focus to the control.
getRootHtmlElementProperties BarcodeControl.getRootHtmlElementProperties( ) Return the root com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.HtmlElementProperties for the Control
show ) Shows the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to false.
isShowing BarcodeControl.isShowing( ) Returns true if the control will be included in the web page when it's next displayed to the user, otherwise returns false.
getStyle BarcodeControl.getStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the control.
setStyle BarcodeControl.setStyle( style ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to the control.
getWarningMsgClass BarcodeControl.getWarningMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgClass BarcodeControl.setWarningMsgClass( warningMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getWarningMsgStyle BarcodeControl.getWarningMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgStyle BarcodeControl.setWarningMsgStyle( warningMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.

MessageContainer Functions

addErrorMessage BarcodeControl.addErrorMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessage BarcodeControl.addErrorMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessageText BarcodeControl.addErrorMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addInfoMessage BarcodeControl.addInfoMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
addInfoMessageText BarcodeControl.addInfoMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addWarningMessage BarcodeControl.addWarningMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessage BarcodeControl.addWarningMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessageText BarcodeControl.addWarningMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
existErrorMessages BarcodeControl.existErrorMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existInfoMessages BarcodeControl.existInfoMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existMessages BarcodeControl.existMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existWarningMessages BarcodeControl.existWarningMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.

Element Functions

getElementName BarcodeControl.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType BarcodeControl.getElementType( ) Returns the element type