
BaseTableControl is one these types:


Interface BaseTableControl contains properties and methods that apply to both a TableControl and a RepeatingTableControl.

BaseTableControl Functions

getActivePageNumberProperties BaseTableControl.getActivePageNumberProperties( ) Text styling properties for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
getCurrentPageClass BaseTableControl.getCurrentPageClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive pages (i.e.
setCurrentPageClass BaseTableControl.setCurrentPageClass( currentPageClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive pages (i.e.
getCurrentPageStyle BaseTableControl.getCurrentPageStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive pages (i.e.
setCurrentPageStyle BaseTableControl.setCurrentPageStyle( currentPageStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive pages (i.e.
isDisplayInfoPrefix BaseTableControl.isDisplayInfoPrefix( ) Indicates whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.
setDisplayInfoPrefix BaseTableControl.setDisplayInfoPrefix( displayInfoPrefix ) Sets whether or not the navigation bar prefix text is displayed.
isDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons BaseTableControl.isDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons( ) Indicates whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.
setDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons BaseTableControl.setDisplayScrollTopBottomIcons( displayScrollTopBottomIcons ) Sets whether or not scroll to top and scroll to bottom icons or corresponding texts are included in the navigation bar.
getFilterExpression BaseTableControl.getFilterExpression( ) Returns an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed or null if no expression is configured.
setFilterExpression BaseTableControl.setFilterExpression( filterExpression ) Sets an FPL conditional expression that limits which table rows are displayed.
getFirstDisplayRow BaseTableControl.getFirstDisplayRow( ) Returns the row number of the first displayable row - equivalent to scroll to top.
getInactiveNavigationClass BaseTableControl.getInactiveNavigationClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
setInactiveNavigationClass BaseTableControl.setInactiveNavigationClass( inactiveNavigationClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getInactiveNavigationStyle BaseTableControl.getInactiveNavigationStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
setInactiveNavigationStyle BaseTableControl.setInactiveNavigationStyle( inactiveNavigationStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to inactive (not clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getInactivePageNumberProperties BaseTableControl.getInactivePageNumberProperties( ) Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
getInactiveScrollDownIcon BaseTableControl.getInactiveScrollDownIcon( ) URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
setInactiveScrollDownIcon BaseTableControl.setInactiveScrollDownIcon( inactiveScrollDownIcon ) Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
getInactiveScrollToBottomIcon BaseTableControl.getInactiveScrollToBottomIcon( ) URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
setInactiveScrollToBottomIcon BaseTableControl.setInactiveScrollToBottomIcon( inactiveScrollToBottomIcon ) Sets the URL of the inactive ( not clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
getInactiveScrollToTopIcon BaseTableControl.getInactiveScrollToTopIcon( ) URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
setInactiveScrollToTopIcon BaseTableControl.setInactiveScrollToTopIcon( inactiveScrollToTopIcon ) Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
getInactiveScrollUpIcon BaseTableControl.getInactiveScrollUpIcon( ) URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
setInactiveScrollUpIcon BaseTableControl.setInactiveScrollUpIcon( inactiveScrollUpIcon ) Sets the URL of the inactive (not clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
isIncludePageNumbers BaseTableControl.isIncludePageNumbers( ) Indicates whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.
setIncludePageNumbers BaseTableControl.setIncludePageNumbers( includePageNumbers ) Sets whether or not clickable page numbers are included in the navigation bar.
getInfoPrefixClass BaseTableControl.getInfoPrefixClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the navigation bar prefix text.
setInfoPrefixClass BaseTableControl.setInfoPrefixClass( infoPrefixClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text.
getInfoPrefixStyle BaseTableControl.getInfoPrefixStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the navigation bar prefix text.
setInfoPrefixStyle BaseTableControl.setInfoPrefixStyle( infoPrefixStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the navigation bar prefix text.
getMaxNumberOfResultPages BaseTableControl.getMaxNumberOfResultPages( ) Returns the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.
setMaxNumberOfResultPages BaseTableControl.setMaxNumberOfResultPages( maxNumberOfResultPages ) Sets the maximum number of page numbers included in the navigation bar when property includePageNumbers is true.
getNavigationAlignBottom BaseTableControl.getNavigationAlignBottom( ) Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table.
setNavigationAlignBottom BaseTableControl.setNavigationAlignBottom( navigationAlignBottom ) Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed below the table.
getNavigationAlignTop BaseTableControl.getNavigationAlignTop( ) Returns the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table.
setNavigationAlignTop BaseTableControl.setNavigationAlignTop( navigationAlignTop ) Sets the alignment of the navigation bar relative to the table when the bar is displayed above the table.
getNavigationBarClass BaseTableControl.getNavigationBarClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
setNavigationBarClass BaseTableControl.setNavigationBarClass( navigationBarClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
getNavigationBarStyle BaseTableControl.getNavigationBarStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
setNavigationBarStyle BaseTableControl.setNavigationBarStyle( navigationBarStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the <div> tag containing the entire navigation bar.
getNavigationClass BaseTableControl.getNavigationClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
setNavigationClass BaseTableControl.setNavigationClass( navigationClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getNavigationDisplay BaseTableControl.getNavigationDisplay( ) Returns the position of the navigation bar.
setNavigationDisplay BaseTableControl.setNavigationDisplay( navigationDisplay ) Sets the position of the navigation bar.
getNavigationStyle BaseTableControl.getNavigationStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
setNavigationStyle BaseTableControl.setNavigationStyle( navigationStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) scroll icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getNavigationStyleProperties BaseTableControl.getNavigationStyleProperties( ) Navigation bar styling properties
getNumVisibleRows BaseTableControl.getNumVisibleRows( ) Returns the number of rows in a scroll set i.e.
setNumVisibleRows BaseTableControl.setNumVisibleRows( numVisibleRows ) Sets the number of rows in a scroll set i.e.
getPageNavigationInactiveProperties BaseTableControl.getPageNavigationInactiveProperties( ) Text styling properties for inactive (not clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getPageNavigationProperties BaseTableControl.getPageNavigationProperties( ) Text styling properties for active (clickable) icons/texts in the navigation bar.
getPageNumbersClass BaseTableControl.getPageNumbersClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
setPageNumbersClass BaseTableControl.setPageNumbersClass( pageNumbersClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
getPageNumbersStyle BaseTableControl.getPageNumbersStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
setPageNumbersStyle BaseTableControl.setPageNumbersStyle( pageNumbersStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to active (clickable) page numbers in the navigation bar.
getRowInformationClass BaseTableControl.getRowInformationClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.
setRowInformationClass BaseTableControl.setRowInformationClass( rowInformationClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar.
getRowInformationProperties BaseTableControl.getRowInformationProperties( ) Navigation bar row information text properties Further documentation.
getRowInformationStyle BaseTableControl.getRowInformationStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the row information text in the navigation bar.
setRowInformationStyle BaseTableControl.setRowInformationStyle( rowInformationStyle ) Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the row information text in the navigation bar.
getRowPrefixProperties BaseTableControl.getRowPrefixProperties( ) Navigation bar prefix text properties.
scrollDown BaseTableControl.scrollDown( ) Scroll the table vertically down one page
getScrollDownIcon BaseTableControl.getScrollDownIcon( ) URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
setScrollDownIcon BaseTableControl.setScrollDownIcon( scrollDownIcon ) Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll down icon in the navigation bar.
scrollToBottom BaseTableControl.scrollToBottom( ) Scroll the table vertically to the last page
getScrollToBottomIcon BaseTableControl.getScrollToBottomIcon( ) URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
setScrollToBottomIcon BaseTableControl.setScrollToBottomIcon( scrollToBottomIcon ) Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to bottom icon in the navigation bar.
scrollToTop BaseTableControl.scrollToTop( ) Scroll the table vertically to the first page
getScrollToTopIcon BaseTableControl.getScrollToTopIcon( ) URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
setScrollToTopIcon BaseTableControl.setScrollToTopIcon( scrollToTopIcon ) Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll to top icon in the navigation bar.
scrollUp BaseTableControl.scrollUp( ) Scroll the table vertically up one page
getScrollUpIcon BaseTableControl.getScrollUpIcon( ) URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
setScrollUpIcon BaseTableControl.setScrollUpIcon( scrollUpIcon ) Sets the URL of the active (clickable) scroll up icon in the navigation bar.
isShowInactiveScrollIcons BaseTableControl.isShowInactiveScrollIcons( ) Indicates whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar.
setShowInactiveScrollIcons BaseTableControl.setShowInactiveScrollIcons( showInactiveScrollIcons ) Sets whether or not inactive scroll icons/texts are included in the navigation bar.
isShowInfoMessage BaseTableControl.isShowInfoMessage( ) Indicates whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar.
setShowInfoMessage BaseTableControl.setShowInfoMessage( showInfoMessage ) Sets whether or not the row information text is displayed in the navigation bar.
isStartNewRowOnNextPage BaseTableControl.isStartNewRowOnNextPage( ) When a page is included in a PDF, indicates whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages.
setStartNewRowOnNextPage BaseTableControl.setStartNewRowOnNextPage( startNewRowOnNextPage ) When a page is included in a PDF, sets whether the content of a table row can be split across two pages.
getTable BaseTableControl.getTable( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Table displayed by this control.
getVisibleRow BaseTableControl.getVisibleRow( ) Returns the row number of the first row currently visible to the user i.e.
setVisibleRow BaseTableControl.setVisibleRow( row ) Scrolls the table to make the table row with row number row visible.