
A Message Control represents a location on a page where error and warning messages are displayed. The use of Message Controls to display messages is optional and is configured for each control using the Message options property for each control.

Further documentation.

Control Functions

addCssClass MessageControl.addCssClass( cssClass ) Adds one or more CSS classes to the list of classes applied to the control, retaining any existing classes.
getAll MessageControl.getAll( ) Returns a control object of the same type as the control object on which this method is invoked, that gives access to all occurrences of this control on the page.
isContainer MessageControl.isContainer( ) Returns true if this control is a container control i.e.
getCssClass MessageControl.getCssClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for the control.
setCssClass MessageControl.setCssClass( cssClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the control.
isDisplayOnly MessageControl.isDisplayOnly( ) Returns true if the control is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
setDisplayOnly MessageControl.setDisplayOnly( displayOnly ) Marks the control and all its children as display only (when displayOnly is true) or enterable (when displayOnly is false).
isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents MessageControl.isDisplayOnlyIncludingParents( ) Returns true if the control or any of its parents is marked as display only, otherwise returns false.
getErrorMsgClass MessageControl.getErrorMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgClass MessageControl.setErrorMsgClass( errorMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getErrorMsgStyle MessageControl.getErrorMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setErrorMsgStyle MessageControl.setErrorMsgStyle( errorMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to error messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isEventField MessageControl.isEventField( ) Returns true if the control is an event field i.e.
hasModifier MessageControl.hasModifier( modifier ) Returns true if the control has the specified modifier, otherwise returns false.
isHidden MessageControl.isHidden( ) Returns true if the control is marked as hidden, otherwise returns false.
setHidden MessageControl.setHidden( hidden ) Hides or shows the control and all its children.
hide MessageControl.hide( ) Hides the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to true.
getInfoMsgClass MessageControl.getInfoMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgClass MessageControl.setInfoMsgClass( infoMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getInfoMsgStyle MessageControl.getInfoMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setInfoMsgStyle MessageControl.setInfoMsgStyle( infoMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to info messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
isInheritMsg MessageControl.isInheritMsg( ) Returns true if Use parent control setting is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
getLayoutCell MessageControl.getLayoutCell( ) Returns the LayoutCell object which can be used to override properties of the parent control's layout as applied to this control.
isLocalMsg MessageControl.isLocalMsg( ) Returns true if Local Message is checked in the Message Options properties for the control, otherwise returns false.
isNewLine MessageControl.isNewLine( ) Returns the new line property.
setNewLine MessageControl.setNewLine( newLine ) Sets or unsets the control's new line property.
getNextSiblingControl MessageControl.getNextSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears after this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
getPage MessageControl.getPage( ) Returns the com.ebasetech.xi.api.Page where this control is located.
getParentControl MessageControl.getParentControl( ) Returns this control's parent control or null if no such parent exists.
getPreviousSiblingControl MessageControl.getPreviousSiblingControl( ) Returns the control that appears before this control within the same parent, or null if no such control exists.
refresh MessageControl.refresh( ) Refreshes this control in the user's browser when the page is next displayed.
removeCssClass MessageControl.removeCssClass( cssClass ) Removes one or more CSS classes from the control.
requestFocus MessageControl.requestFocus( ) Sets the browser focus to the control.
getRootHtmlElementProperties MessageControl.getRootHtmlElementProperties( ) Return the root com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.HtmlElementProperties for the Control
show ) Shows the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to false.
isShowing MessageControl.isShowing( ) Returns true if the control will be included in the web page when it's next displayed to the user, otherwise returns false.
getStyle MessageControl.getStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for the control.
setStyle MessageControl.setStyle( style ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to the control.
getWarningMsgClass MessageControl.getWarningMsgClass( ) Returns the list of CSS classes configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgClass MessageControl.setWarningMsgClass( warningMsgClass ) Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
getWarningMsgStyle MessageControl.getWarningMsgStyle( ) Returns the inline CSS style configured for warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.
setWarningMsgStyle MessageControl.setWarningMsgStyle( warningMsgStyle ) Sets inline CSS style to be applied to warning messages when the messages are displayed locally to the control.

MessageProperties Functions

getErrorMessageStyle MessageControl.getErrorMessageStyle( ) Returns the MessageStyleProperties object representing error message styling properties.
getInfoMessageStyle MessageControl.getInfoMessageStyle( ) Returns the MessageStyleProperties object representing info message styling properties.
getWarningMessageStyle MessageControl.getWarningMessageStyle( ) Returns the MessageStyleProperties object representing warning message styling properties.

MessageContainer Functions

addErrorMessage MessageControl.addErrorMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessage MessageControl.addErrorMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessageText MessageControl.addErrorMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addInfoMessage MessageControl.addInfoMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
addInfoMessageText MessageControl.addInfoMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addWarningMessage MessageControl.addWarningMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessage MessageControl.addWarningMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessageText MessageControl.addWarningMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
existErrorMessages MessageControl.existErrorMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existInfoMessages MessageControl.existInfoMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existMessages MessageControl.existMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existWarningMessages MessageControl.existWarningMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.

Element Functions

getElementName MessageControl.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType MessageControl.getElementType( ) Returns the element type