
JSON Web Encryption (JWE) header.

Supports all headers of the JWE specification:

  • alg
  • enc
  • epk
  • zip
  • jku
  • jwk
  • x5u
  • x5t
  • x5t#S256
  • x5c
  • kid
  • typ
  • cty
  • crit
  • apu
  • apv
  • p2s
  • p2c
  • iv
  • authTag

The header may also include #getHeader; these will be serialised and parsed along the registered ones.

Example header:

   "alg" : "RSA1_5",
   "enc" : "A128CBC-HS256"

JWEHeader Functions

getAgreementPartyUInfo JWEHeader.getAgreementPartyUInfo( ) Gets the agreement PartyUInfo ({@code apu}) parameter.
getAgreementPartyVInfo JWEHeader.getAgreementPartyVInfo( ) Returns the agreement PartyVInfo ({@code apv}) parameter.
getAuthTag JWEHeader.getAuthTag( ) Returns the authentication tag ({@code tag}) parameter.
getCompressionAlgorithm JWEHeader.getCompressionAlgorithm( ) Returns the compression algorithm ({@code zip}) parameter.
getEncryptionMethod JWEHeader.getEncryptionMethod( ) Returns the encryption method
getIV JWEHeader.getIV( ) Returns the initialization vector ({@code iv}) parameter.
getPBES2Count JWEHeader.getPBES2Count( ) Returns the PBES2 count ({@code p2c}) parameter.
getPBES2Salt JWEHeader.getPBES2Salt( ) Returns the PBES2 salt ({@code p2s}) parameter.

JWSHeader Functions

getAlgorithm JWEHeader.getAlgorithm( ) Returns algorithm ({@code alg }) used to sign the JWS, {@code null} if not specified.
getContentType JWEHeader.getContentType( ) Returns the content type ({@code cty}), {@code null} if not specified.
getHeader JWEHeader.getHeader( name ) Returns the header value for a given name
getJWKURL JWEHeader.getJWKURL( ) Returns the JSON Web Key (JWK) URL
getKId JWEHeader.getKId( ) Returns the kid ({@code kid}), {@code null} if not specified.
toJSONString JWEHeader.toJSONString( ) Return JSON String representation of header * @since V5.7
getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint JWEHeader.getX509CertSHA256Thumbprint( ) Gets the X.509 certificate SHA-256 thumbprint ({@code x5t#S256}) parameter.
getX509CertURL JWEHeader.getX509CertURL( ) Gets the X.509 certificate URL