
The WebForm interface represents an interactive web form, which is a form being executed by an online user. This is the root object for an interactive form and provides access to elements within the form. It also provides many methods to control form processing e.g. gotoPage(), callForm(), callUrl(), generatePdf() etc.

form Properties

HTTP_PROTOCOL_GET Represents the http GET protocol, for use with the callUrl and gotoUrl methods.
HTTP_PROTOCOL_POST Represents the http POST protocol, for use with the callUrl and gotoUrl methods.

BaseForm Functions

abort myform.abort( message ) Aborts execution of the current form, integration service or workflow node and rolls back the current transaction.
getAbortMessage myform.getAbortMessage( ) Returns the abort message after a failure has occurred.
getFields myform.getFields( ) Returns the Fields object that gives access to all fields available to the form.
getLanguage myform.getLanguage( ) Returns the language code for the user session.
setLanguage myform.setLanguage( language ) Sets the language code for the user session.
getResources myform.getResources( ) Returns the Resources object that gives access to all resources available to the form.
getTables myform.getTables( ) Returns the Tables object that gives access to all tables available to the form.
getTexts myform.getTexts( ) Returns the Texts object that gives access to all texts available to the form.
getTimezone myform.getTimezone( ) Returns the time zone used for the form.
setTimezone myform.setTimezone( timezone ) Sets the time zone for the current form, service or workflow process.

MessageContainer Functions

addErrorMessage myform.addErrorMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessage myform.addErrorMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
addErrorMessageText myform.addErrorMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addInfoMessage myform.addInfoMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
addInfoMessageText myform.addInfoMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
addWarningMessage myform.addWarningMessage( message [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessage myform.addWarningMessage( messageNo [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
addWarningMessageText myform.addWarningMessageText( text [, replaceParameters ] [, stopProcessing ] ) Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
existErrorMessages myform.existErrorMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existInfoMessages myform.existInfoMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existMessages myform.existMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
existWarningMessages myform.existWarningMessages( ) Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.

Element Functions

getElementName myform.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType myform.getElementType( ) Returns the element type