
XmlResourceBase is one these types:


XmlResourceBase represents the base interface for all resources based around Xml documents.

Further documentation.

XmlResourceBase Functions

call XmlResourceBase.call( [adapterName ] ) Calls the adapter specified by adapterName on the XML or Integration Resource.
fetch XmlResourceBase.fetch( ) Transfers any non-tabular field data from the resource to mapped form fields.
getDocument XmlResourceBase.getDocument( documentName ) Returns Document object from the resource based on a given name
setDocument XmlResourceBase.setDocument( documentName , document ) Set a document from external API.
update XmlResourceBase.update( ) Transfers any non-tabular field data from mapped form fields to the resource.

Resource Functions

setDebug XmlResourceBase.setDebug( debug ) Activates or deactivates debug for the resource.
isDebug XmlResourceBase.isDebug( ) Returns true if debug is activated for the resource.

Element Functions

getElementName XmlResourceBase.getElementName( ) Returns the element name
getElementType XmlResourceBase.getElementType( ) Returns the element type