BootstrapRowColumnsProperties is one these types:
BootstrapRowColumnsProperties Functions
getExtraExtraLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getExtraExtraLargeColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for extra extra large screens. |
setExtraExtraLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setExtraExtraLargeColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Sets the number of columns for extra large screens. |
getExtraLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getExtraLargeColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for extra large screens. |
setExtraLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setExtraLargeColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Sets the number of columns for extra large screens. |
getExtraSmallColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getExtraSmallColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for extra-small screens. |
setExtraSmallColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setExtraSmallColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Sets the number of columns for extra-small screens. |
getLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getLargeColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for large screens. |
setLargeColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setLargeColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Gets the number of columns for large screens. |
getMediumColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getMediumColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for medium screens. |
setMediumColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setMediumColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Sets the number of columns for medium screens. |
getSmallColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.getSmallColumns( ) | Gets the number of columns for small screens. |
setSmallColumns | BootstrapRowColumnsProperties.setSmallColumns( numberOfColumns ) | Sets the number of columns for small screens. |
interface represents the different row column widths used within the bootstrap framework.Use this property to quickly specify the number of columns for each row that best renders your content and layout. The bootstrap default maximum number of row columns is 6.
Setting the value to -1 renders the columns using their natural width.
By default bootstrap defines the following breakpoints (it is possible to customise the number of columns by recompiling the bootstrap css but not the number of breakpoints): extra small : comes in when the browser is at least 0px wide (i.e. is the default). small : comes in when the browser is at least 576px wide. This represents a small screen width e.g. a phone. medium : comes in when the browser is at least 768px wide (i.e. is the default one) This represents a slightly bigger screen width, e.g. a tablet. large : comes in when the browser is at least 992px wide (i.e. is the default one). This represents a desktop-sized screen/browser. extra large : comes in when the browser is at least 1200px wide (i.e. is the default one). This represents an extra wide screen/browser extra extra large : comes in when the browser is at least 1400px wide (i.e. is the default one). This represents an extra wide screen/browser
It is not required to fill in the widths for every breakpoint - you could define the extra-small widths and the medium widths - the extra small widths will be in force until the browser is at least 768px wide and then the widths of the medium breakpoint will be used.
Further documentation.