
HttpAuthentication is a convenience class to create HTTP Authentication objects. Each object stores the attributes required for the type of authentication required. Contains the following methods:

HttpAuthentication Functions

createBasicAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createBasicAuthentication( username , password ) Returns a BasicAuthentication object that stores the username and password required for HTTP Basic Authenication
createDigestAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createDigestAuthentication( username , password ) Returns a DigestAuthentication object that stores the username and password required for HTTP Digest Authenication
createGatewayAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createGatewayAuthentication( gatewayId ) Returns new GatewayAuthentication object that stores the name of the configured Gateway Server on the server.
createNTLMAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createNTLMAuthentication( username , password , workstation , domain ) Returns a NTLMAuthentication object that stores the username, password, workstation and domain required for HTTP NTLM Authenication
createOAuthAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createOAuthAuthentication( name [, scope ] [, username , password ] [, additionalParameters ] ) Returns an OAuthAuthentication object that stores the name of the configured OAuth configuration on the server.
createPreemptiveBasicAuthentication HttpAuthentication.createPreemptiveBasicAuthentication( username , password ) BasicAuthentication does not support preemptive authentication out of the box, because if misused or used incorrectly the preemptive authentication can lead to significant security issues, such as sending user credentials in clear text to an unauthorized third party.