Package com.ebasetech.ufs.workflow.resource

Interface Summary
Assignable Interface implemented by all assignable task enactments.
AssignmentHandler Each installation of the Workflow Management System must be provided with a particular implementation of this interface, which is responsible for managing the issues related to which particular resource is allowed to take on the interactive task enactments that are part of the enactment of a process that is represented by a Job.
Context This interface is implemented by Job and answers contextual questions relating to the job.

Class Summary
AssignmentExpressionComponent This is an abstract class that represents the GUI component that provides the assignment expression for a task.
AssignmentMode This enumerates the different assignment modes that define how a particular task gets the specific actor name to which the task is assigned.

Exception Summary
InvalidAssignmentException An exception thrown to indicate that some assignment made is invalid, such as assigning an actor which is not a member of one of the defined pools
PooledActorsNotSupportedException PooledActorsNotSupportedException is thrown is an attempt is made to set a pooled actor in a case where this is not allowed.
ResourceManagementException An exception indicating a failure during resource access, resolution or assignment