
Page Basics

Pages represent HTML pages. They are owned by a Form and cannot be shared between Forms. Related pages can be added to the same Form and these Pages share the Form’s data, for example, the pages of a checkout basket.

Double-clicking on a Form in the Entity Tree opens its Form Editor.

Pages can be added and deleted from the Form in the Pages View. Selecting a Page switches the WYSIWYG, Outline and Properties Views to that Page.

Pages are designed in the Form Editor and are made up of Controls. Controls are used for laying out the structure of a Page as well as to writing texts and other UI features such as buttons and hyperlinks. Controls are dragged on to the Page’s WYSIWYG or Outline View from the Palette.

The WYSIWYG View renders the current Page in the same way as a browser, adding in some helpful design aids. The Outline View shows a hierarchical representation of the Controls on the current Page. Controls can be rearranged in either View or dragged from their position in one View to a new position in the other View.

Before a Page is displayed to a user it generates a Before Page Event that can be used to prepare the Page for the user, for example, by hiding and styling Controls based on data loaded from REST services.

Multiple scripts can be added to the event's Configure dialog, opened by clicking on the Before Page Event Property button in the Properties View of the Page. The scripts are executed in the order specified in the dialog.

Pages can be quickly opened in a browser by clicking the Test button in the main toolbar.