

Verj.io Acceptable Use Policy

The use of Verj.io Products and Services is governed by this Policy.

Verj.io Products

A definition of all Verj.io Products and Services.

Verj.io Versions

Discover how Verj.io Products and Services are versioned and released.

Verj.io End of Life Policy

This policy defines how long Verj.io Products and Services releases are supported.

Verj.io Bug Fixing Policy

How Verj.io fixes defects found in its products and services.

Verj.io Security Policy

How Verj.io Products are secured.

Verj.io Service Plan Security Assessment Policy

Performing security assessments on your Verj.io Service Plans.

Verj.io Cloud Infrastructure Security Assessment Policy

The security assessments carried out on the Verj.io Cloud.


Verj.io Support Packages

Understand the Support packages offered by Verj.io with its licensable products and services.

Verj.io Support Services

The services underpinning the Verj.io Support Packages.

The Resource Hub

A repository of useful information, tutorials and training to help you get the most out of Verj.io.

The Community Forum

Ask the community both technical and general application development questions about Verj.io.

The Bug Reporting Tool

Raise and monitor Verj.io bugs.

The Support Helpdesk

Support Engineers can help to troubleshoot issues while developing applications and suggest how to mitigate or resolve them.

The Production-Critical Helpdesk

Our Support Engineers can help troubleshoot and resolve critical issues in your live production environment.

Helpdesk Exclusions

Exclusions to the support provided in the Support and Production-Critical Helpdesks.

Operational Support

Our Support engineers will endeavour to keep your production Verj.io Applications running at their best, on your behalf.