
The Community Forum

The Community Forum provides a space to ask the community technical and general application development questions about or third-party products and services, including:

  • What products, services and features are available
  • Which products, services and features are suitable for a specific use case.
  • How to effectively use the features of the products and services.
  • How to integrate with a third-party products and services.
  • Best practices.

It’s a moderated forum, so Developers and Support Engineers may answer your queries as well as other members of the community. While we endeavour to be as helpful as possible as soon as possible, we respond to questions on the forum at our discretion and in a best-effort timeframe.

If we feel it is appropriate, we may:

  • point you to relevant documentation (including third-party documentation if applicable).
  • recommend you engage with a third-party’s support for their products and services.
  • refer you to your Account Manager who may be able to arrange some training, or some consultancy time with our Professional Services team.

We may be able to answer questions about third party products, services or solutions but only based on our existing knowledge, which may not be complete or represent the third parties’ best practices.

We cannot endorse, provide support, or accept liability for third-party products, services, or solutions you may use based on our advice or on the advice of members of the community.

Community Forum Availability

The Forum is available 24x7.

Accessing the Community Forum

Access to the Community Forum is determined by your Support Package and is governed by our Acceptable Use Policy.

The Community Forum requires separate registration and can be reached at from your browser. There are also links to the Community Forum in the Resource Hub.