Back Bug Fixing Policy

We will only fix bugs found in supported products and services.

Bug Severities

We assess each bug based on the issue’s severity. That is, when a bug causes issues, how severe are they?

This helps us to roadmap bug resolution and prioritise the most impactful ones.

Critical Severity

Bugs we consider to be critical include:

  • Security and privacy vulnerabilities.
  • Data loss and/or corruption issues.
  • Issues causing products or services to fail to launch or crash frequently.
  • Widely used features or services have defects where no viable workarounds exist. For example, Pages do not display.
  • Backwards compatibility has been broken (for example, Forms no longer load), unless
    • there is an upgrade process to rectify the compatibility issue
    • it was intentionally broken (for example, a previously deprecated method has been removed).

If the reported bug is present in the latest Version of the product or service it was reported against, then the bug will be fixed with the highest urgency.

Fixes will be released in a new maintenance iteration of the latest Major Version of the product or service the bug was reported against.


We will backport a fix as far back as the Major Version the bug was originally reported against, if:

  • the issue hasn’t already been fixed in a later Version at the time the bug was reported.
  • the issue was in our code base and not in a third-party library or service.
  • the same fix is applicable in the backported version as the latest Major Version.
  • the affected feature or service has not been deprecated or marked as end-of-life.
  • it is a supported Version at the time the issue is resolved.

For example, if a bug is reported in April 2022, the earliest Version we will backport a fix to is v5.8.

Major Severity

Bugs we consider to be major include:

  • The product occasionally won’t launch or won’t launch in some certain circumstances.
  • The product fails infrequently, or in some specific circumstances.
  • Widely used features or services have defects where viable workarounds exist.
  • Defects in what we consider to be peripheral features or services, where no viable workaround exists.
  • Defects in new features in the latest release.
  • Documentation errors and omissions.

Major severity bugs will be road-mapped to be fixed in the next Major Version release. We cannot guarantee that they will be resolved in the next release, but we endeavour to resolve as many as possible in each Major Version.

Minor Severity

Bugs we consider to be minor include:

  • Defects in peripheral features or services where viable workaround exists.
  • Largely cosmetic issues.
  • Legacy or deprecated features or services.

These are added to our roadmap and will be looked at during an appropriate future Major Version release.

Existing Issues

Raising an issue that has previously been reported may raise its severity and thus affect how we prioritise its investigation and resolution.

If the reported issue has already been fixed in a later Version to the one reported against, customers are required to upgrade to a version that has resolved the issue.

Unless, in our opinion, there are exceptional circumstances, a new Maintenance Release will not be made for Versions prior to the one that has resolved the issue.