
Application Filesystem: WebResources

The servicePlan/webResources directory is available to the application at /home/servicePlan/webResources.

Files in this directory are available to end-users.

This directory is equivalent to the Userdata/apps/ebase/webResources directory of On-Premises environments.

Static Resources

All static web resources, such as image, JSP, and HTML files can be added to this directory.

This directory corresponds to the root of the webapp, so resources added to this directory are available relative to the domain of your application. For example, an image myImage.png added to an images subdirectory can be referred to with a relative URL of images/myImage.png or a full URL of

File Uploads

By default, all files uploaded using the File Upload Control are added to the servicePlan/webResources/uploads directory.

All files in this directory are publicly available via uploads/pathToFile, and To prevent this, the web resource security can be used to protect them. Alternatively, uploaded files can be moved to an inaccessible directory in the application filesystem.