
Project Basics

A Workspace is divided into one or more Projects, which are a good way of splitting up an application into logical sections. Projects are the only entities allowed in the root of a Workspace and one Project can not contain another. Any structure of folders and entities can then be added to a Project.

A Project can be created by clicking File > New > Project in the main menu or by right-clicking in the Entity Tree to bring up its context menu and selecting New > Project. Note that Projects will be created at the root of the Workspace no matter where on the Entity Tree you click.

File > New > Project

You can choose to create an empty Project or one with a predefined structure that helps to organise your entities. The panel on the right-hand side of the New Project dialog shows a preview of the selected structure.

Create a new Project

You can select a Theme for the Project by pressing the Next >> button. Forms added to this Project can use this Theme to provide a consistent look and feel throughout the Project. The same Theme can be used by all Projects in your Workspace providing a consistent look and feel to your application.

Linking Projects

For entity A to use entity B, B must be accessible to entity A. For example, for a Page to use an initialisation script, the script must be accessible to the Page. Entities in the same Project are automatically accessible to each other. Entities of a second Project can be made accessible to a Project by linking it to the second Project.

Projects are linked to other Projects in a Project’s Properties dialog, opened by right-clicking on the Project in the Entity Tree and clicking Properties.

Open Project Dependencies

This mechanism is a good way of sharing entities that may be used in multiple Projects throughout an application, for example Themes.

Linking Projects

The Theme light is in the shared Project. Adding shared as a Linked Project to myProject allows myProject’s entities to use it.

The Studio automatically updates a Project’s links if entities are moved to a different Project.