
Service Plan End Users

Service Plans do not limit the number of end users who can interact with your application.

However, every end user has an associated user session that takes up some of the Application Container’s memory. Therefore, the amount of memory available to your Application Container affects the maximum number of concurrent end users it can handle.

How much memory an end user session consumes is entirely dependent on your application, and how much data is presented to your users. Making sure you are using the minimum about of memory per user will help to support high numbers of concurrent end users.

The current number of end users and the amount of memory available to each Application Container in a Service Plan can be seen in the details section of the Cloud Portal.

Maximising End Users

You can increase the number of concurrent end users your application can support by choosing Service Plan configurations that allocate additional memory to your Application Container or offer a scalable number of Application Containers.

The maximum number of concurrent end users can be optimised by tuning the Service Plan’s user session timeout so it is right for your application. The shorter the timeout the more quickly an end user’s session information is reclaimed, but setting the timeout too short risks degrading the end user’s experience.