
Scalable Service Plans

Depending on the chosen configuration, a Service Plan can be scaled by adding more Application Containers to it. Adding Application Containers can be done at any time and does not affect the running application.

Note that changing the number Application Containers a Service Plan uses may affect the cost of your subscription.

Available resources

Increasing the number of Application Containers helps to maintain a smooth and responsive experience for an increasing number of concurrent end users, or to provide additional computing resources for complex applications.

Each Application Container in a Service Plan is standalone. It has its own working memory, processing power, and other resources as defined in your chosen Service Plan configuration.

‘Sticky Sessions’ are used to send end users to the same Application Container as previously served them, so they have a consistent experience. New end users are sent to the least busy Application Container.


Each Application Container in a Service Plan is identical to all the other Application Containers. When a Service Plan is upgraded, all Application Containers in that Service Plan are upgraded to the same Version.

A Service Plan has a single Application Filesystem that backs all Application Containers. When the Studio deploys changes to an application all Application Containers make those changes available for new end users. This means end users have the same experience regardless of which Application Container serves them.


The Studio’s Visual Debugger can remotely connect to an Application Container and help troubleshoot your application, although an individual Application Container cannot be selected.

Application Container logs, including your application’s logs, can be viewed in the logging section of the Cloud Portal. Individual Application Container logs or a composite log containing all Application Containers can be viewed. More statistics about performance and resources can be found in the Cloud Portal’s statistics page.

Controlling Application Containers

Individual Application Containers can be restarted or stopped in the Service Plan’s details page on the Cloud Portal. Stopping all Application Containers in a Service Plan will make your application unavailable until at least one Application Container is started again.