
Cloud Portal Service Plan Logging

Application and access logs can be viewed in the Cloud Portal’s Logging page. More information about logging can be found here.


By default, logs are shown most recent first. This can be changed using the Timeframe options:

  • Quick provides a selection of pre-configured options.
  • Absolute allows a date and time range to be specified.

Each Service Plan generates 3 types of logs:

  • Verj contains your application logs.
  • Access contains all end user requests and responses to and from your application.
  • Tomcat contains information from the Tomcat application server that powers Application Containers.


You can search through all the logs for the appearance of any number of whole, space separated words.

The results will contain logs where all these words appear in any order.

Log Entries

Each log entry is listed in most recent order and are divided into batches of 500 logs. The Next Page icon can be used to navigate through these pages.

Each log entry can be expanded to see more detailed information.


The auto-refresh dropdown can be used to automatically refresh the list of logs displayed after a chosen interval and the list can be manually refreshed by pressing the Refresh icon.