
Service Plan Logging

A Service Plan generates logs when processing requests from end users. They provide an insight into who is using your application, how they are interacting with it and any issues your application might have.

Logs are presented on the Logging page of the Cloud Portal.


Logs are displayed most recent first and are divided up in to 500 log entry pages.


Each log has a single entry in the page with a summary of the content. Clicking on the chevron to the left of the log expands the entry to see more details.

The log's details may include:

  • Level indicates the seriousness of the log, usually either INFO or ERROR. Error logs also have an icon to the left the Log entry.
  • Container indicates the name of the Application Container or Workflow Engine that generated this log.
  • Thread used to process an end users request. This can be useful to see all the logs resulting from the end users initial request as all happen on the same thread. Note that threads will be reused once it has finished processing an end users request, and other Application Containers may have threads with the same name.
  • Message contains the logged statement.
  • Exception class reports what type of exception was thrown.
  • Exception message contains a description about the exception.
  • Stacktrace contains the stack trace at the point the exception was thrown.


Whole-word searches can be made. Multiple, space separated words can be provided, and the results will contain all these words in any order.

Logs are searched for matches in:

  • Level.
  • Container.
  • Thread.
  • Message.
  • Exception class.
  • Exception method.


Controls the range of displayed logs. The current date and time range is shown above the logs and can be reset to show the most recent logs by clicking the reset icon.

Using timeframes is especially helpful in busy or verbose applications and it can be more productive then searching through pages of logs.

There are two ways of specifying a timeframe:

  • Quick a selection of pre-configured options.
  • Absolute enter a from date and/or a to date.

Log Type

Service Plans generate 3 types of logs:

  • Verj contains all messages generated by the Application Containers and the Workflow Engine, including log messages added to server-side scripts. The Details page allows you to view a combined view of all logs or logs from a specific Application Container or the Workflow Engine. The Log Level setting determines which logs are generated.
  • Access shows every end user http(s) request received and includes the:
    • Source IP address.
    • URL used.
    • HTTP response code.
    • Response time.
  • Tomcat contains information from the Tomcat application server that powers Application Containers. These are usually only of interest when there is a problem starting or stopping an Application Container.


You can further filter the logs by specifying:

  • Container shows logs for the specified Application Container or Workflow Engine.
  • Thread shows logs for the specific thread name.
  • Show errors only displays logs with an ERROR level.