
Cloud Portal Roles

Roles determine who has administrative access to your Organisation and Service Plans, and how they can interact with them.

Organisation Roles

There are two Organisation roles:

  • Owner: Add and remove Cloud Portal users to their Organisation or its Service Plans and assign roles to them. Owners automatically have Admin, Deploy and Developer rights to all the Organisation’s Service Plans.
  • Purchaser: This role is currently equivalent to the Admin role.

Service Plan Roles

These roles grant permissions on individual Service Plans, or to all of the Organisation's Service Plans if granted at the Organisation level:

  • Admin: Allows users to interact with the Service Plan in the Cloud Portal. Admin users can:
    • Change settings
    • Stop or restart the
      • Service Plan.
      • Workflow Engine.
      • Application Containers.
      • Application Databases.
    • Make the Application Databases, or Application Filesystem externally accessible.
    • View the Logs.
    • View the Service Plan Statistics.
  • Deploy:
    • Cloud Portal: Users can view the Service Plan but cannot interact with it. They can view Service Plan Statistics.
    • Studio: Users can deploy applications, or changes to existing applications, to the Service Plan.
  • Developer:
    • Cloud Portal: The Service Plan appears in their dashboard, but they are unable to view it.
    • Studio: Users can attach the visual debugger to the Service Plan.