
Cloud Portal Admin Access

Cloud Portal users can be granted administration access to Service Plans and assigned one or more roles.

Depending on the roles granted they may be able to:

  • Deploy changes to the application from the Studio.
  • Connect the visual debugger to the application running in the Service Plan.
  • Administer the Service Plan in the Cloud Portal.


An Organisation represents the billable entity within

A Service Plan belongs to one Organisation but an Organisation can subscribe to any number of Service Plans.

User Access

Organisation Owners, that is users who have the Owner role for an Organisation, can invite other users to join and then assign roles to them. Organisation Owners have full permissions to all the Organisation’s Service Plans.

Alternatively, Organisation Owners can invite users to join one or more of their Service Plans and then assign roles to them. Adding users to one or more Service Plans does not grant them access to the Organisation.

New Users

If a user invited to join an Organisation or Service Plan is not a Cloud Portal user already, an email will be sent to them inviting them to create an account.

Granting Access

Add, remove, or assign roles to users on the Organisation page of the Cloud Portal.