
Service Plan Domain and SSL Certificates

The Service Plan’s domain can be set on the Settings page of the Cloud Portal along with matching SSL certificates.

Every Service Plan has the option to use a subdomain for free. Changing the Domain name will unregister your previous subdomain and register the new one.

Note that due to the way DNS configuration works, it may be a few minutes before your new subdomain becomes active.

SSL certificates for domains are automatically generated by the Service Plan and are automatically renewed every 60 days. It is possible to manually trigger a renewal of these certificates.

Bring Your Own

You can configure your own domain in the Service Plan. If the Domain name is changed to any domain other than it is considered to be your own domain.

You are responsible for making sure the domain you provide has a suitable DNS entry that points to the Service Plan’s public IP address.

SSL certificates for your domain can be uploaded here. It is your responsibility to renew them before they expire. Without valid SSL certificates end users will not be able to establish secure https connections to your Service Plan.

SSL Activation

We recommend that all Service Plans only accept secure https connections. It is possible to control this using the SSL Activation Settings.

Note that SSL cannot be enabled until the Service Plan has verified the configured domain and valid SSL certificates for the domain are in place.