
Field Basics

Fields represent some piece of data. They may represent anything from a Boolean or Integer to complex data represented as a JSON-formatted String.

Fields can be created in the Fields View of supporting Entities, including Forms and Integration Services.

When adding more than one Field, it can be quicker to use the Add Multiple Fields dialog. In here common properties of each Field can also be specified.

Selecting a Field switches the Properties View to that Field where its properties can be configured, including its default value.

Any number of Fields can be selected and dragged on to a Page’s WYSIWYG or Outline View from the Fields View. Every time a Field is dragged on to a Page a new Field Control is created linked to that Field. Once created, a Field Control cannot be changed to represent another Field.

The Field Control honours the Display Type property of its owning Field, and the browser will perform appropriate validation for that type. For example, the Browser will display a date picker if the Display Type is set to date.

Field values can be used in texts by using &&<Field name>. will the substitute the current value of that Field into the text before it is displayed to the user. For example, a Text Control on a Page could be set to Greetings, &&name!. When this is displayed to the user, &&name will have been substituted for the current value of the name Field.

A Form's Field can be populated from a URL by setting it to be a URL Parameter. For example, a user_name Field set to be a URL Parameter will be automatically initialised with the value adam if the URL includes user_name=adam as a query parameter:

The JavaScript API gives a script full access to Fields in scope, for example, a script attached to a Form or Page has access to all the Fields defined in the Form. They are accessible via the fields interface, for example, references the current value of the email Field:

// set a variable to the current value of the email Field
var email =;

// update the value of the email Field = "";

Fields can be mapped to Resources. Resources act as interfaces to external applications or services that may provide or require data, for example, databases and REST services. When a Resource is invoked the mapped Fields’ values are used and updated automatically.