
Developing with Themes

Themes are important entities in that define the look of your application.

Forms in a Project can be styled consistently by configuring a Project Theme and setting the Forms to inherit it.

To set a Theme for a Project, right-click on the Project in the Entity Tree and click Properties.

Clicking on the Theme properties button enables you to select any Theme from this or any Linked Project as this Project's Theme.

A Form can use its owning Project’s Theme by opening the its Form Properties dialog and selecting the Project Theme option in the Presentation tab.

If the Project is updated to use a different Theme, then the Form will automatically switch to use the new Theme.

Workspace Preferences

The Workspace Preferences dialog can be opened by selecting File > Workspace Preferences from the main menu.

Any Theme in the Workspace can be set as the Theme for all new Projects by setting the Theme property.

The selected Theme can be from any Project in the Workspace. When a new Project is created this Theme is automatically configured to be its Theme, and a link to the Theme’s owning Project is automatically created in the new Project.

New Forms created in the Workspace will automatically be configured to use their owning Project’s Theme if the Use Project Theme property is checked.

Using these Workspace preferences means every time you create a Project or a Form it uses the same Theme as the rest of your application.

Using Themes in this way makes an application’s styling consistent, both in terms of the rendered web page but also in terms of developing them. Additionally, it means that changes to that Theme (for example a change in colour) will automatically be applied to all Web Pages in your application.

It also makes it much easier to offer an end-user the ability to switch the current Theme, for example between a light and dark mode.

Workspace Preferences are specific to the current Workspace, so if you switch to a new Workspace a different Theme can be configured.