
Application Filesystem Overview

Every Service Plan is backed by its own highly reliable filesystem that the Workflow Engine and all Application Containers load their resources from:

  • The Studio deploys applications to the workspace directory.
  • Static resources, such as images, can be added to the webResources directory.
  • System-level third party libraries, such as additional JDBC database drivers, can be added to the tomcatLib directory.
  • Application-level third party libraries can be added to the WEB-INF/lib directory.
  • Files uploaded to the application are added to the generatedFiles directory.
  • PDFs generated by the application are added to the generatedPDFs directory.
  • Requested backups are added to the backups directory.

Secure access to the Application Filesystem can be achieved using your choice of SFTP client.


The Application Filesystem has the following structure:

This structure is fixed. Service Plans are designed to work with this structure and renaming or removing these directories may impair the functionality of the Service Plan.

Adding subdirectories as well as uploading files and moving them to another location in the application filesystem are safe actions.


Applications can move files to any location it has access to. Locations outside of the Application Filesystem, however, are unsupported.

The Application Filesystem guarantees that its files will be persisted beyond the lifetime of an Application Container. An Application Container may be restarted at your discretion via the Cloud Portal’s details page, and may be restarted as part of a Service Plan upgrade.

Only files added to the Application Filesystem are shared between Application Containers.