
Service Plan Statistics

The Details page of the Cloud Portal shows the current number of concurrent end users and the average response time of the Service Plan.

More detailed statistics can be seen on the Service Plan's Statistics page of the Cloud Portal.


The charts present data about Service Plan run-time performance and resource usage:

  • Concurrent Users is the number of end users interacting with the application. Technically it is the number of concurrent end user sessions, which is a combination of users directly interacting with the application or stateful External API calls into the application.
  • API Calls is the number of calls made to your application's published REST Services from an IP address outside of the Cloud environment.
  • Response Times: is the average response time for the application to process and respond to end user requests, calls to published REST Services and calls made to the External API. This does not include time spent establishing network connections or transferring data.
  • IO is the amount of outbound data sent from the Service Plan, including:
    • Served web pages.
    • REST Service responses.
    • External API calls.
    • Data sent to APIs outside of the Service Plan.
    • Downloading files from the Application Filesystem.
  • Memory is the total amount of memory used by the Service Plan.

Report Types

Reports are generated in one of two ways, depending on the timeframe selected:

  • Live reports are generated using raw data in the 15-minute timeframe and are updated every minute. This provides a (nearly) real-time view on your application’s performance.
  • Consolidated reports are generated for all other timeframes and are useful for examining the long-term trends of your application. For these reports, data is summed or aggregated for the selected timeframe and are updated every hour. This means consolidated reports are not available for a Service Plan until the first full hour has elapsed.