
Service Plan Log Level

A Service Plan’s Application Containers and its Workflow Engine generate logs when processing requests from end users. They provide an insight to how users are using your application and show any issues your application might have.

Log Messages

All log messages are associated with a level:

  • Info log messages include:
  • Error log messages report any errors that may have occurred and usually include details about the exception that caused the error.
  • Debug log messages appear when Resources have been set to debug.

Configuring a Log Level

Changing the Log Level in the Service Plan’s Settings page of the Cloud Portal affects which log messages are generated:

  • Info generates logs for all log levels.
  • Error only generates Error and Debug

In general, setting an Info log level is good practice. In production systems it is an important way of debugging issues, without having to potentially disrupt end users experience by attaching the Visual Debugger to it. However, you may decide that Info level messages are too verbose and prefer only to see Error messages.