
Framework Basics

A Framework is an HTML, CSS and JavaScript library that simplifies development of Web Pages by providing a suite of rules and templates to layout and style elements on a web page.

Modern frameworks help make standards-compliant and responsive web pages that are consistent across web browsers.

Different frameworks have different rules and are not designed to work together. It is important to carefully consider the framework to use across your application as changing the Framework may require all your Web Pages to be manually updated. This can be a very resource-expensive exercise.

Configuring a Framework

A framework can be selected in a Theme’s Presentation Template. Expand a Theme in the Entity Tree to reveal its Presentation Template.

Double-clicking on presentationTemplate will open its Presentation Template Editor. The Framework Property can then be selected.

Every Form that uses this Theme will automatically be configured to adopt the selected Framework.

The popular Bootstrap framework has been deeply integrated into Special Bootstrap Controls and Properties become available in the Form Editor when Bootstrap 4 or Bootstrap 5 is selected as the Framework.

If an option for a specific framework is not available, that framework's web resources (CSS, JavaScript, etc) can be configured in the Presentation Template. In this case, the Framework property should be set to None.