
Presentation Template Basics

Presentation Templates define the style of your application. They can be configured with a Framework and supporting web resources, such as CSS, SCSS and JavaScript. Web Pages in Forms that use a Presentation Template automatically have access to all its configured web resources.

A Presentation Template is the key entity in a Theme. Although you can create standalone Presentation Templates, it is strongly recommended that you create and use Themes instead.

Double-clicking on a Presentation Template in the Entity Tree will open its Presentation Template Editor. 

A Presentation Template can contain any number of Property Sets for almost every type of Control. Each Property Set defines specific style and behaviour that can be applied to Controls in a Form that uses that Presentation Template.

Presentation Templates in Themes

At the root of a Theme there is always a Presentation Template called presentationTemplate.

No other Presentation Templates are allowed inside a Theme.

A Presentation Template can be copied into a Theme to replace the current Presentation Template. Copying the Presentation Template between Themes in the same Theme Family means they all have the same collection of Property Sets. This is important if you allow end-users to switch between Themes, for example between a light and dark Theme.