
Cloud Portal Organisations

Administration access to Service Plans can be granted in the Organisations page of the Cloud Portal.

The Organisation page is available to Cloud Portal users who have an Owner role for an Organisation.

Accessing the Organisation’s Page

This page is accessed via the Account page, opened by clicking on your username in the top right corner of the Cloud Portal and selecting Account. The Account page lists all Organisations you are an owner of and clicking on one opens its Organisation Page.

Organisation Access

Users can be added to the Organisation using the Add User link and then roles can then be assigned. Owners of an Organisation are automatically granted full permissions to all its Service Plans.

Service Plan Access

Users can be added to one or more of the Organisation’s Service Plans and granted appropriate roles.

New Users

If a user is added who is not currently a Cloud Portal user, then they are automatically sent an invitation to register. All pending invitations can be viewed in the Sent Invitations panel and can be rescinded.

External Security

A whitelist can be enabled and configured to only allow connections to any of the Organisation’s Service Plans from Studios at authorised IP addresses.

The users of the Studios at authorised IP addresses are still required to have been granted the appropriate roles before they are able to connect.